Tag Archives: postaweek

Final Weekly Photo Challenge…

The prompt: Welcome to the final installment of the Weekly Photo Challenge.  We welcome you to share your favorites with us. Happy photographic trails!


What I would post, what photo or photos would make it.  Pictures of the Vineyard which accounts for more than 75% of my photos, flowers, landscapes, black & white photos, what would my last installment be ?  And then I knew, it had to be the one below.  It’s not a great photo, it’s not artistic or beautiful, but it says ‘final installment’ perfectly.  This famous nightclub/coffee house/folk music venue in New York City known as…

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I’ll miss you Weekly Photo Challenge, it was always a challenge and always fun.



Weekly Photo Challenge: Twisted…

Boat rope.

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Liquid…

Peach sangria, water and red wine. Willow Creek Farm & Winery –  Cape May, NJ.



Memories Of My Mom…

Maude Louise Littlefield


Born in Waterville, Maine



Raised on Martha’s Vineyard

my mother, Maude Louise and grandmother, Albra Mae – Oak Bluffs, 1924


Moved to New Jersey after high school graduation and met a Jersey boy, Joseph Albert (Al)…


                                         married him                     and had a Jersey girl (me)

The next to the last Mother’s Day I spent with my mom was May 1975. My parents were vacationing on the Cape and she was unaware that we were driving up from NJ to surprise her for the weekend. I gave her the book ‘Mostly On Martha’s Vineyard, A Personal Record’ by Henry Beetle Hough, as I knew she’d know some of the people mentioned in the book. I am so glad I did that because after reading the book she decided she wanted to sail over to the Vineyard to visit her mother’s grave. It turned out be her last trip to her beloved Vineyard.

Can’t let Mother’s Day pass without pictures of my sweeties…

Daughters Patty and Debbie…

                                      Then                                                 Now

Grandchildren Tiffany and Tyler…

                                                        Then                                                  Now





Weekly Photo Challenge: Unlikely…

This week’s challenge is to share a photo of something unlikely.An object or person in an unlikely place.


This little guy found an unlikely place to curl up and nap…

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He made it look so inviting that his brothers and sisters came over to take a look…

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And before he knew it everyone wanted to get in.

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WPC… Lines (2nd response)…

I don’t know how I missed posting this picture the first time but I really like the composition so tah, dah… here it is.

Boardwalk to the beach in Cape, May New Jersey




Weekly Photo Challenge: Lines…

Share photos with a composition dominated by lines — hard or soft, straight or curvy, vertical or horizontal.


Menemsha fishing boat.  Martha’s Vineyard

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Mayflower.  Plymouth, MA


New York City


NJ to PA




Weekly Photo Challenge: Prolific…

Prolific: producing in large quantities.

The lilac house.  Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard.

Field of sunflowers.  Sussex County, New Jersey

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Awakening…

Prompt: Show an image of an awakening.


The 7 a.m ferry Islander awakens and prepares for her first run of the day from Martha’s Vineyard to Woods Hole, MA.



Weekly Photo Challenge: Smile…

Puppy smiles 🙂


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