Happy New Year to all…

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Tagged architecture, Events, holidays, lights, New Year's, New York City, Photographs, photoshop, skylines, Times Square - NYC
I didn’t take as many photos in 2017 as I thought I did, will do better in 2018. Here are some of my favorites…
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Tagged beach, black and white, boats, bridges, buildings, Cape May, New Jersey, Edgartown, flowers, harbor, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, New England, New Jersey, New York City, Photographs, sky, sunset, years
I have a lot of fun putting together my own calendars, here are the 2 for 2018
wall calendar… all pictures are Martha’s Vineyard taken in October, except May which is Cape May, New Jersey
desk calendar… same here, all pictures are Martha’s Vineyard in October, except for Cape May, New Jersey for May…
Here’s to filling our calendars of 2018 with good memories, good health and good friends
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Tagged calendar pictures, Cape May, New Jersey, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, New England, New Jersey, Photographs
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Define “favorite” in whatever way works best for you. Anything goes, as long as it’s a photo from 2017. If you want to share several images, that’s fine too — a “best of 2017” gallery could be fun if you can’t settle on one photo.
I have a hard time settling on one picture for almost all of the challenges and this one is no different so here goes… my gallery…
Martha’s Vineyard is up first… I can never take enough pictures of my favorite place on the planet. These were taken in October 2017.
Cape May, New Jersey.. April 2017
And of course one must have a favorite flower picture
But I think one of my favorite pictures is the re-creation my daughter Deb and I did of my mother and grandmother from the 1920’s, standing (and sitting) by the statue of Lincoln in front of the courthouse in Newark, New Jersey.
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Tagged Aquinnah, architecture, Bandstand, Cape May, New Jersey, drinks, flowers, Gay Head cliffs, houses, Lighthouses, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, New England, New Jersey, Photographs, postaweek, sunset, water, weekly photo challenge, windows
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Tagged fire, Martha's Vineyard, people, Photographs, snow, winter solstice
The sisters first Christmas, 51 years ago.
Patty and Debbie became sisters on Nov 6, 1966 but they did not meet until Dec 21, 1966.
Patty was almost 2 1/2 when Debbie was born. Deb, who was due the end of December arrived 7 weeks early and didn’t come home from the hospital until Dec 21, the first day of winter, 1966.
As you can see from the picture Patty was delighted and happy to be a big sister. Debbie, I’m sure was happy to finally be home.
Patty was a terrific big sister right from the beginning. She helped me take care of Debbie and when I would give Deb her bottle Patty and her new dolly would join us. Her doll was almost the same size as Deb, Debbie had been only 3 lbs when she was born and had to be 5 lbs before she could come home… so yes, she and the doll were almost the same size.
Since it was so close to Christmas when Deb came home I wanted her to be a surprise to her grandparents when they arrived on Christmas morning. Patty was under instructions from Santa Claus not to tell anyone that her new sister was home, and since the request was coming from the big guy himself she didn’t utter a word to anyone.
However… my mother called one evening and just at that moment Debbie, who was in the same room with me, began to cry. Oh oh. My mother asked if that was a baby and I said no. She said she didn’t believe me. She asked again… ‘is that baby home from the hospital?’ I said yes but that I had wanted to keep her a surprise until Christmas. My mother kept her composure but I could hear the crack in her voice when said how happy she was but that we shouldn’t tell my father… let him be surprised on Christmas morning.
So Christmas morning arrived, along with a 24 hour stomach bug which hit me pretty hard. I managed to get out of bed long enough to greet my parents at the door. Patty was all bubbly and happy to see her grandparents and they were showering her with plenty of attention.
Then my dad glanced at the tree. He looked closer. I could see his eyes moisten when he realized that the baby in the baby carrier under the tree was NOT a doll but his new granddaughter Debbie. My dad wasn’t one to let his emotions out or show on his face… but he did that morning.
It was definitely a very merry, happy and blessed Christmas that year.
Christmas morning 6 years later in 1972, my favorite Christmas picture of Patty and Debbie…
Merry Christmas to my girls
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Tagged christmas, Family, holidays, Memories, Photographs