Tag Archives: architecture

CBWC: Centered…

CBWC: Centered…

CBWC: Centered…

CFFC: Straight Lines…

New York City

George Washington Bridge

RDP Monday: GLASS…

I love glass so this has been a fun blog post to put together. I’ve tried to keep the number of photos down 🙂

This photo is inside the Gay Head lighthouse on Martha’s Vineyard, it shows the expanse of glass and the glass of the lenses on the light.

Also on Martha’s Vineyard, window at the entrance to the Tabernacle, window at top of stairs and dewy barn window early in the morning.

Shattered glass…



Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: Repeating Shapes…

I know I’m posting quite a few repeating shapes photos, but I really enjoyed going through my pictures and obviously didn’t want to leave any out 🙂


2020 Photo Challenge #21…

This week’s assignment – Use strong backlighting (i.e. shooting towards the light source, but do not look directly at the sun) to create a contre-jour image where the subject becomes a silhouette, OR shoot the light through flowers or leaves creating a transparent effect.

My choices are:


Photo For The Week Challenge: Facade…

My choice for facade is this gingerbread house on Martha’s Vineyard. The entire facade is covered by beautiful wisteria.


Photo For The Week Challenge: Circular…

 My choice for circular is the Gay Head Lighthouse in the town of Aquinnah on Martha’s Vineyard.  Five years ago the lighthouse was only 46 feet from the edge of the cliffs and was moved to a new location approximately 180 feet from the edge.  On May 27, 2015 the preparation for the actual move began.  The move was was completed on May 30, 2015 and the lighthouse reopened that August.

The pictures below show a circle of stones where the lighthouse had been before the move.

Inside the Gay Head lighthouse.





Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: Abstract in Black and White

Not sure how to interpret this prompt but in looking at some of my pictures of the Brooklyn Bridge from last October I decided to invert them and voila… this is what I got 🙂

