Monthly Archives: July 2014

The Gift of Sleep

Not too long ago I got pretty sick.  That’s probably a bit of an understatement, actually. I was really, really sick for almost a year.  Then I got some better doctors who figured out why I was sick and what I needed to do to get better.

Besides some amazing and horrible drugs, my rheumatologist prescribed a number of lifestyle changes that she said were just as important. Number on on that list was getting as much sleep as possible. “If you can sleep till noon, then sleep till noon,” she said.

I can’t adequately explain how important those words have been in my life.  For the better part of a decade I had been plagued with insomnia, and sometime didn’t get to sleep until three, four, five in the morning.  The only way I could function at all was to sleep until 10 or 11 a.m., and that wasn’t nearly enough sleep for me to perform well.

But here’s the thing– I felt incredibly guilty every time I slept past 7 a.m. It was something that was ingrained in me since I was a teenager, this idea that it was sort of immoral to sleep late. Sleeping in was equated with laziness in my family.

So, when my doctor told me that getting as much sleep as possible was as important to my recovery as the chemotherapy drugs she prescribed, it was like someone had given me an incredible gift! I had be given permission- no!- I had been given an order to sleep anytime I could. There was no longer a moral component attached to napping. It was so liberating.

And, almost immediately, my insomnia went away. I think that was because my brain was no longer under pressure to get to sleep ASAP so that I could start tomorrow on time.

Today, I make it a project to try to get a minimum of eight hours of sleep every single night.  Some nights I get ten, and on rare occasions I sleep for 12.  And if I find myself getting sleepy at 2 in the afternoon, I take a nap.

In spite of all that time spent snoozing, I am more productive than I’ve ever been. It’s amazing what being well rested does for your ability to function and be creative!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you get enough sleep? And do you think there’s something immoral about sleeping late or napping? Let’s discuss.



btt button

If I could give a brand new, really good book by your favorite author (living or dead) RIGHT NOW, what would you be willing to do for it?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

Gingerbread Houses …

Gingerbread Cottages – Martha’s Vineyard



- by Joan -

Fingering Weight Buteo up for testing!

And here it is — the last of the Wild West patterns! If you’d like to test, head over here.fw buteo blocking

I expect the e-book to be out by mid September.

Textured is coming up soon. I’m trying to reschedule the photoshoot for earlier (fingers crossed!).

Awesome Awe-gust Awaits …


In my opinion August is THE month to be on Martha’s Vineyard… not just because it’s the last full month of summer… but it’s jammed packed with special events.

My favorite is Illumination Night which this year is Wed, Aug 20, 2014.  I did a post about my memories of Illumination Night… 101_3019 CLICK HERE to read it   … and CLICK HERE for information on this year’s Illumination Night.



The 152nd MV Agricultural Fair is Aug 21 – 24, 2014 … CLICK HERE for information.



On Friday, Aug 22, 2014 you truly won’t want to miss the Oak Bluffs fireworks at Ocean Park.  CLICK HERE to see video of previous fireworks.



These are just three of MY personal favorite things to do on MV in August…  CLICK HERE to check out the calendar of events to see all the other fun and interesting things going on.

As a summer kid on the Vineyard August was always a special month for me.  Although my mom and I would arrive for the summer in June it wasn’t until August that my dad joined us until Labor Day when we’d all come home to New Jersey.

In the 40’s and 50’s August was filled with days at the beach, nightly rides on the Flying Horses, ice cream at the Frosty Cottage on Circuit Ave, popcorn bars at Darling’s also on Circuit Ave, trips to my mother’s cousins home in Indian Hill, band concerts in Ocean Park and community sings every Wed at the Tabernacle.

In the 90’s and 2000’s it was about introducing my grandchildren to August on the Vineyard.  Days at the beach, rides on the Flying Horses, ice cream at any number of places in Oak Bluffs and Edgartown, bicycle rides,  miniature golf, and being together.




White And Blue House …

Gingerbread Cottage  –  Martha’s Vineyard


- by Joan -

Beginning again

I'm baack.  I've decided to start in again, so look for upcoming posts full of my shenanigans.  It's good to be home!

Beginning again

I'm baack.  I've decided to start in again, so look for upcoming posts full of my shenanigans.  It's good to be home!

Excuse Us For A Moment…

……but I am just going to leave these here while we try to get over our obsession with a certain little kitty.




Pippa loves her, too. They’ve become buddies.

It’s hard to get anything done around here with a tiny, purry little thing always asking for love.

Send help, we’re drowning in cuddles.


Tagged: Pets

Yellow House …

Gingerbread Cottage  –  Martha’s Vineyard


- by Joan -