Monthly Archives: November 2020

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Close-ups…

A view of the Radio City Music Hall marquee that I snapped while walking under it.


Giving thanks for all that I have and for my loved ones and friends ❤

Adri Makes a Thing or Two 2020-11-23 15:14:00

This year is nothing if not unrelenting. I have had some great ups: Yay for book sale and art licenses! And my family and I have had some really difficult things to deal with. My uncle on my mom's side passed away very suddenly in July, and then my stepfather (my best father) died in September.

If you've been having a stressful year, you're not alone in your sorrows! Regardless of what this year brings to this last month and a half, I hope you are keeping hope alive. Perhaps this blog post brings a bit of light and warmth into your day.

Warm Holiday Wishes,


Thanks to everyone for your feedback on my holiday cards (on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook), I put the favorites on the shop for presale. 

According to the printers, they should be at my studio 12/4 or earlier. I'll fold the cards, pack and ship pre-orders and they should go out by 12/4.
This is set #2 for the Latinx market (my friends and family!). The final favorites are now available to pre-order!
 yes on top of everything I also had a kidney stone this month.

Happy Holidays!

Follow my work!

I'm @adriprints on most social media platforms.

RDP Tuesday: QI…

QI is a Chinese word for the invisible force in and around us.

My daughter Deb and I are into finding our ancestors and especially finding out stories about them we didn’t know. We spend a lot of time in cemeteries :). One of the most interesting stories we found was about my great grandfather, Joseph P Littlefield of Maine. The tragic story of his death and that of his wife Jane and their three oldest children out of eight, Margaret 18, Adison 14 and Atwood 12 prompted Deb and me to go to Maine to find their grave.

My great grandfather Joseph P Littlefield was injured in the Civil War. He was a member of Co. C, 9th Maine Regiment. He was wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor in Virginia and sent home to Maine to die. He died on Sep 3, 1864 of his massive injuries but also of typhoidal pneumonia. His wife and the 3 oldest of his 8 children died within months of him from it as well leaving my grandfather Charles G Littlefield at age 9 the oldest of the five remaining children. A tragic story and once we learned about it felt compelled to find their graves and honor them. Their small plot is off the beaten track in Rome, Maine we found it and traipsed through the brush to get to it. This was very emotional in that Joseph, Martha Jane, Margaret, Adison and Atwood have become very real to us and we feel very close to them and could definitely feel their spirits that day.  We weren’t able to bring them flowers but left 5 pennies to indicate we were there and remembering them.

I definitely feel this was a QI experience.

RDP Thursday – AQUILINE…

Aquiline is something shaped like an eagle’s beak so what better than this beautiful wooden sculpture of an eagle.

2020 Photo Challenge # 44…

This week’s assignment is black and white patterns.