Monthly Archives: May 2015

Vineyard Seating …

No matter where you are on the Vineyard there’s always somewhere to sit and enjoy a view.   Do you recognize where any of these places are ?


 CLICK HERE fora link to more sitting opportunities :)

Scotland, Ho!

Despite a last – minute run to the doctor for steroids to clear up lots of fluid in my ear (yeah….hooray), we are off to Edinburgh tomorrow!

Maddie, Neve, and I will be there for three days before heading down to London for five days. After that we’ll spend a few days in Paris and Versailles, and finish our trip with three nights in Germany.

I’ll try to post here while I’m away, even if only pictures.

Paul, Emily, and Oona will hold down the fort here and take care of the animals (Neve and I worked the sheep and goats yesterday to make sure they’d be okay while we are gone).


Weekly Challenge: On The Way …

The prompt for this weeks challenge is:  stop and photograph the metaphorical roses (or the literal tulips). Share a shot of something you saw, did, or experienced on the way: a photo not of your destination, but of an interesting thing along the way. Show us something stunning others might have missed, or find some unexpected beauty in a mundane moment. Maybe we can all start looking at the in-betweens a bit differently!


I was on the ferry leaving Martha’s Vineyard when one of the other ferries sailed by going to the Island.   I thought that was an interesting shot…


but when I turned around to go back to my car I glanced out the porthole I saw the lighthouse off in the distance and thought that was even better.


Books Into Film

btt button

What book would you love to see turned into a movie?

(Yes, with the understanding that it would be everything you hoped it could be, doing justice to the story, the characters, the writer’s vision, and so on. Not a hatchet-job horror.)

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

A Plethora of Patterns!

Just released:


sandbar 1

Kitty Corner Socks


Josephine in Diamonds


If you purchased Lagniappe on Ravelry, check out the new PDF.


Orchids On Mantel …


Podcast Episode 7: Pre-TNNA

In this episode I talk about some recent designs in progress, TNNA (this Friday!), and my workout update.




Mrs Crosby :  Sandbar Shawl (coming soon!)
Sandbar back


Fibre Company: Fluvial Sweater, visit the Ravelry group for the test knit!


YOTH Yarns: New shawl design in progress

CONTEST: visit the Ravelry group here to enter to win a skein of Hat Box!


Malibu Creek


The Invader by The Madeira on Double Crown Records

Classics …





So close

Summer is truly starting to happen around here.  It’s pretty difficult these days to get the kids to buckle down and do any school work, now that the pool has been opened.


After not opening it last year, I can’t tell you how happy it makes us just to see it open and blue and ready for swimming!

We can’t tear ourselves away from it.  That and watermelon.  We’re pretty highly addicted to watermelon these days. We are really hoping our watermelon plants produce this summer!


The garden is still getting the idea to really take off. All of the summer and winter squashes, the tomato plants, the pepper plants….they all seem to be *just* on the verge of exploding into massive growth.  So far the deep hay mulch I’ve been using has been helping with the weeds really, really well. It doesn’t help with the massive spiders and wriggly baby snakes, but that’s a whole other story altogether.

I’ve also broken down and tried Neem oil this year.  Since the bees aren’t hanging out with the back garden yet (as nothing has flowered) I’ve been spraying in the evening to keep the pests at bay.  So far, so good.  Once the plants begin to flower I’ll cross my fingers and hope like mad the squash bugs have been deterred for the season.

We also discovered that the bunny nest we had last spring might be a recurring thing.  This year, they nested under the blackberry bushes by the pool (smart little buns! All those thorns to keep predators away!).

We discovered the nest as the babies were leaving it, and Neve rescued one slower one from the dogs. Never a dull moment here.

And speaking of those blackberry bushes:


They are suddenly covered in hundreds of pre-blackberries!  Sadly, my guess is I won’t be around to enjoy those when they are finally ready.  Europe is so, so close now.  We leave one week from today.

Neve and Maddie and I can’t stop reminding each other how many days left before we will be in Scotland. It seems more like an actual reality every day now, whereas before it seemed like a lovely dream.

We’ve got our itinerary pretty well planned and packed; but we’ve left time in each city to simply wander and explore, to discover its treasures organically. I’m also looking forward to the time we will spend on the trains (one from Edinburgh to London, one from London to Paris, one from Paris to Wiesbaden).  We’ll see many friends while we are there, and that seems like the best possible icing on this fantastic travel cake.

So, so soon.

But first, much prep work left to do.


Tagged: Garden, Homeschooling, Trips

Memorial Day 2015 …

Remembering those on this Memorial Day who gave their lives for our country.
