Monthly Archives: October 2021


My daughter Deb is a twin. Sadly her sister Susan was only here for a few hours.

Katy (Katama) was Deb’s first Boykin Spaniel. She was the first dog to go on vacation with Deb and me, no big surprise that it was to MV. Katy left us after 20 months and we feel that she’s now with Susan.

Chappy (Chappaquiddick) was Deb’s next Boykin Spaniel.

My creation

We took lots of pictures of Chappy’s first trip to the Vineyard, especially on the beach and in the water. He really enjoyed splashing about and barking at waves. These pictures show a little of his fun at the beach.

And then there’s this picture:


Is this a double exposure, or is it Deb and Chappy with Susan and Katy ? You be the judge.  Just let me say that my camera, not a digital one, had never, until that day, taken a double exposure and never did so afterwards.

Happy Halloween !!!


adjective Scot. and North England.conspicuous; easily seen or recognized

I think these easily recognizable 4 speak for themselves 🙂

CFFC: Straight Lines…

New York City

George Washington Bridge

CBWC: Looking through or Into a Window…

Into New York holiday window

Into art gallery windows

Into church window

Through window

Into and through window

A Photo a Week Challenge: Vanishing Point…