Tag Archives: RDP-Ragtag Daily Prompt

RDP Sunday: carol…


Top row: rainy waterfront – car wash

Bottom row: carousel – Christmas lights – Lincoln tunnel from NJ to NY

Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: Clock-face…

Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: Clock-face…


RDP Wednesday – WOOL…

From the shearing of the goats and sheep to the final product, this is the story of wool. My daughter and I went to our first shearing event several years ago and it was beyond interesting. The way the animals sort of zone out while they’re being sheard to the softness and warmth of the lanolin drenched wool fresh off the sheep and goats. The last picture is of sweater my daughter made.

The shearing…

Roving to yarn to dyed yarn to sweater…


Mother and daughter.


I love this picture of Mickey Mouse seeing himself as Walt Disney in his version of the Norman Rockwell self portrait. I did this in counted cross stitch and when it came time to have it framed there was no question in my mind that this frame spattered with paint was perfect. It’s still one of my favorite cross stitches.

RDP Tuesday: Angel…

Rockefeller Center, New York City


My daughter Deb is a twin. Sadly her sister Susan was only here for a few hours.

Katy (Katama) was Deb’s first Boykin Spaniel. She was the first dog to go on vacation with Deb and me, no big surprise that it was to MV. Katy left us after 20 months and we feel that she’s now with Susan.

Chappy (Chappaquiddick) was Deb’s next Boykin Spaniel.

My creation

We took lots of pictures of Chappy’s first trip to the Vineyard, especially on the beach and in the water. He really enjoyed splashing about and barking at waves. These pictures show a little of his fun at the beach.

And then there’s this picture:


Is this a double exposure, or is it Deb and Chappy with Susan and Katy ? You be the judge.  Just let me say that my camera, not a digital one, had never, until that day, taken a double exposure and never did so afterwards.

Happy Halloween !!!