Monthly Archives: September 2014

Dyeing, Dyeing, And Even More Dyeing!

A little while ago I received several large boxes full of Juniper Moon Farm Share Yarn. This is always super exciting for me because it’s my first peek at the actual finished product pulled off the backs of the sheep we know and love.


My craft room overfloweth! (and my living room, and my garage…..)


Can’t you just smell that sheepy, wooly goodness?

The Cormo feels divine, and I adore it in its natural state.


I get to have fun playing with colors!

Susan gave me some suggestions for color idea this year, and combined with that and a look at previous year’s colors (to be sure I didn’t repeat anything too recent), I started playing around with the dyes.  I wanted colors that were rich but not overbearing, and I wanted to use colorways that I could get consistency from.  Since we dye in smaller batches I didn’t want each batch to be wildly different than the one before it. Reds are notoriously difficult (in my experience) with this, but after some experimentation I found one that worked.  The blue I loved immediately, and the purple gave enough variety in shading to be fun without looking blotchy.


I am really pleased with the results.  I also love how nicely the yarn blooms out after a bath.

The dyeing will begin in earnest once everyone who bought a share indicates their color choice, and then it will be shipped out the very instant it is dry.

I hope everyone loves this fiber as much as I do!

Dyeing, Dyeing, And Even More Dyeing!

A little while ago I received several large boxes full of Juniper Moon Farm Share Yarn. This is always super exciting for me because it’s my first peek at the actual finished product pulled off the backs of the sheep we know and love.


My craft room overfloweth! (and my living room, and my garage…..)


Can’t you just smell that sheepy, wooly goodness?

The Cormo feels divine, and I adore it in its natural state.


I get to have fun playing with colors!

Susan gave me some suggestions for color idea this year, and combined with that and a look at previous year’s colors (to be sure I didn’t repeat anything too recent), I started playing around with the dyes.  I wanted colors that were rich but not overbearing, and I wanted to use colorways that I could get consistency from.  Since we dye in smaller batches I didn’t want each batch to be wildly different than the one before it. Reds are notoriously difficult (in my experience) with this, but after some experimentation I found one that worked.  The blue I loved immediately, and the purple gave enough variety in shading to be fun without looking blotchy.


I am really pleased with the results.  I also love how nicely the yarn blooms out after a bath.

The dyeing will begin in earnest once everyone who bought a share indicates their color choice, and then it will be shipped out the very instant it is dry.

I hope everyone loves this fiber as much as I do!

Shenandoah Fiber Festival 2014

All set up and ready to go!

The weekend could not have been prettier.  Since my booth is in an outdoor pavilion, I have lots of good light, a nice level concrete floor and the ability to tarp off the outer edges (I am set up on a corner) if necessary.

This guy (I didn't get his name) was shopping with a friend at the booth next door when I saw his awesome shirt.  Get it?

And despite how crazy busy I was I managed to do a little shopping.  This is polwarth/tussah silk from Hobbledehoy Yarn and Fiber out of Pennsylvania.  Yummy!  I can't wait to spin it up.

As I was packing up to leave I met a woman who, along with her own homegrown yarns, was selling a few pots for her son.  He married a young Italian woman and moved to Italy where he makes pots.  I fell in love with this mug.  It was rather pricey but I couldn't leave with out it.  (Very reminiscent of the frechen, beardman or Bartmann jugs.)

Yesterday (Monday) I did all the necessary accounting and went to the bank.  More cash sales then usual this year I think, but credit is still where it is at.  Thank goodness for Square!  Then I relaxed the rest of the day.  I am still bushed!

The week is calling for dreary weather here.  I have my fingers crossed that this coming weekend and Fall Fiber Festival will be graced with weather similar to last weekend!

I love these festivals.  They are a ton of work and I am always exhausted afterwards, but it is worth it. Not only are they very successful shows for me, I also enjoy seeing old friends and customers and  meeting so many wonderful people.  Fiber lovers are awesome.

Pumpkin Wagon …



- by Joan -

Red Headboard Plant Stand …


- by Joan -

Book Festival and Church …

Back to Morristown for the second time this week.  This time for the first Morristown Festival of Books. 



What a gorgeous day and beautiful spot for the festival.  It was held on the grounds of the Vail Mansion, built in 1916 by Theodore Vail.


We wandered across the street to St Peter’s Episcopal Church where there were author talks going on.   I love the architecture of churches and so I may have taken a few pictures or twelve or fifteen :)  Here are just a few.

My creation

My creation
My creation

A lovely day.

Cornstalks and Pumpkins …


- by Joan -

The Arboretum …

The other day I had some unexpected free time and so I went to the Frelinghuysen Arboretum in nearby Morristown, NJ.

My creation

CLICK HERE: Frelinghuysen Arboretum


Afternoon Reflections …



- by Joan -


btt button

Okay, show of hands … who has read Shakespeare OUTSIDE of school required reading? Do you watch the plays? How about movies? Do you love him? Think he’s overrated?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

(And yes, I DID update the template to give the site a new look. Thoughts?)