Monthly Archives: August 2012

September Calendar Picture …

Menemsha fishing shack.


Martha’s Vineyard

September Calendar Picture …


Sussex County ~ New Jersey

Cleaning Friday

It’s Cleaning Friday! At last!

Cleaning Friday is something I started early this summer to ease my wearied mind.  We already had Sewing Sunday (which has become more of a Crafting Sunday, but whatevs) so I could look forward to having a solid day every week where everyone knew that is what would be getting done.  They all know not to bug me to do other things on that day.

Cleaning Friday was born out of the same idea.  I am forever trying to get and keep this house in order, but it’s mostly a losing battle.  Fridays were the day I would work at it the hardest so that I didn’t have to worry about it for the weekend.  Neve and I decided that if we made Friday a dedicated cleaning day where everyone pitched in the rest of the week would be a little easier.

It works like a charm.

The house still gets pretty messy during the week, believe me.  And there is still maintenance cleaning that has to be done daily, like the dishes.  But by and far this is a happier arrangement for everyone.  I am less cranky because I know that reliably there will be one day a week where everyone is scrubbing, vacuuming and mopping.

I t has freed my mind to focus on other projects rather than housework all the time.   It’s also rather wonderful to relax over my cup on coffee come Saturday morning in a nice, clean house.

Just don’t clean up this crafty stuff – I is nesting.

Tagged: Pets

The Love Song of J. Equus Coconut

You’re going to have to forgive this bit of self-indulgence in advance, please.

But first, a bit of backstory:

Coconut is terribly in love with Daisy. Daisy, well, she just wants to be friends, thanks. More than one person has suggested that we hold a donkey wedding, but, before you fire up the ol’ Pinterest board, Coconut needs to ask Daisy whether she’d like to be made an honest minidonk.

And thus:

“Let us go then, you and I,
when the evening is spread out against the sky
like a goat, sleeping sprawled along the haybale.”

“Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For grazings and grass-lazings which a minute will reverse.”

“I should have been a pair of ragged hooves
Shambling across the hills of empty pastures.”

“And it would have been worth it, after all.
To have squeezed the universe into a ball,
To roll it toward some overwhelming question”


“I have heard the donkeys singing, each to each.
I do not think that they will sing to me.”

Dan’s dice bags

Dan's dice bags Dan's dice bags Dan's dice bags

By special request, I made a couple of dice bags yesterday afternoon. Dan chose the fabric and requested a velveteen lining. He wanted something to hold 100 dice for himself and a larger one to hold 300 for his friend. I used this tutorial with the sizes written for the smaller bag and then scaled up to a 6″ circle and a 9″ x 19″ rectangle for the larger bag. I wanted the bags to cinch up with the cording so I made two buttonholes on opposite sides of my rectangles. When the bag was ready for cording I threaded one piece through one hole, around the bag and back out again. Then I threaded the second piece of cording through the other hole, around the bag and back out again. I tied the ends of each piece of cording into and overhand knot and trimmed.

Garden Update

The only thing more incredible than all the garden’s changes over the past two weeks is how little I’ve noticed them.

The cowpeas have taken over the whole bed!

The turnips, beets, carrots, and rutabags have all come up and need to be thinned out– it’s also almost time to plant the other half of the bed with the same crops.

The Hungarian Paprika peppers are ripening. We tasted one the other day– the flesh is super-sweet, but the seeds inside are kicky. They might be my favorite new pepper, especially after we smoke them.

Cabbages! Cabbages!

Barely even human!

I planted only two flats of brassicas, but that translates to a lot of broccoli/brussels sprouts/cabbages, especially since each plant requires at least a foot of space around it. I’ve been tucking them anywhere I can find room– the best ones are growing, believe it or not, in the shade of the quite-large pepper plants. It was, of course, a total accident, but I do like when my ideas work out.

A few weeks ago, Zac dug up all the horseradish to make, um, horseradish, for himself. You’d never know it, though, because they’re back, and they’re more and stronger than ever. I think the people who warned us about growing horseradish knew what they were talking about!

In other condiments, we’re also growing a bed of mustard. I have a feeling that it might winterkill, in which case, at least we’ll get to eat the greens!

Some things, however, never change. For instance, Mouse Melon Mania.

The leeks are also doing wonderfully. I made vichyssoise the other day, actually, and felt like the most self-sufficient person in the world (homegrown potatoes, homegrown leeks, and home-milked heavy cream! All we need is a salt mine and we’re set.)

Frito Pie

Frito Pie, home version

I haven’t made Frito Pie in a really long time but Jason had some at the rodeo earlier this summer and requested it again this week. We used to have this at football games in high school and it came right in a small bag of Fritos, slit along the side. I couldn’t find small bags of Fritos so ours is just in bowls but it tastes just as good.

Frito Pie, home version

1 bag Fritos
2 pounds lean ground beef
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large sweet onion, finely diced
2 tablespoons garlic, minced
14 ounces canned crushed fire-roasted tomatoes
half a can of water
1/2 cup ketchup
2 or 3 tablespoons cumin
1 or 2 tablespoons ancho chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
salt to taste
shredded sharp cheddar cheese

Coat a large deep skillet with the olive oil and brown the meat over high heat. As it begins to approach done, remove excess fat. Add the onion and garlic and continue to cook until onions are soft. Add remaining ingredients except for cheese and chips. Simmer gently ten minutes or until thickened. Serve over chips and top with cheese.


btt button

Do you find yourself thinking that the books you read would be good on film? Do you wish the things you watched on TV or in the movies were available as book?

Some really can’t be converted, of course, but some definitely can (and it’s not always the ones you think will work). There’s something to be said for different forms of media, but a good story is universal … or is it??

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

Rules for Mittopoly, adapted for 2012

With the new economic proposals from the Romney-Ryan ticket, Monopoly needs some new rules to reflect  the economic reality ahead of us if they are elected. And so I present:

Official Mittopoly Game Rules
(Adapted from the classic Monopoly® game)
Original rules found at
Monopoly® available from

The following page is a copy of the rules adapted from the Monopoly® Rule Book.
Additions in Yellow
Inspired by the Mitt Romney Paul Ryan budget plan
By Jane Hurst,

The object of the game is to become the wealthiest player through buying, renting and selling of property.  If you want happiness, you have to find it some other way than by accumulating  wealth.


The equipment consists of a board, 2 dice, tokens, 32 houses and 12 Hotels. There are 15 Silver Spoon Cards, 16 Chance (Plus one Silver Spoon Card in the chance deck* plus additional Chance cards as listed below) and 16 Community Chest cards, 28 Title Deed card (one for each property), and play money, with the addition of 50 x $1000 bills. 
*Silver Spoon chance card is only inserted into the deck every fifth  game, or at the whim of the Politician, who has written laws guaranteeing  tax advantages and write offs that allow the growth and transfer of wealth by the Silver Spoon Player.


Place the board on a table and put the Chance and Community Chest cards face down on their allotted spaces on the board. Each player chooses one token to represent them while travelling around the board.

Roll the dice to decide which player (and his descendents) will be the Silver Spoon Player. Highest number wins.  The Silver Spoon player gets $15,000 and 5 houses and 5 hotels to begin the game.  He/she also gets guaranteed loans from the bank to expand his/her business when requested.

Roll the dice to decide which player will be the Politician. Lowest number wins. The Politician gets $5000 to start the game and favorable guaranteed loans to buy and improve property.

Each remaining player is given $1500 divided as follows:

2 $500's, 2 $100's, 2 $50's, 6 $20's, 5 $10's, 5 $5's, and 5 $1's.

All remaining money and other equipment go to the Bank.


The Politican in theory serves at the pleasure of the electorate, but in fact is in the pocket of the Silver Spoon Player. The advantage to being the Politician is that when he/she passes GO he/she collects $1000 in campaign contributions from the Silver Spoon Player.  He/she also has a higher salary (set by the congress) than everyone else and collects $500 from the bank when he/she passes Go. He/She also starts the game with $5000 and one Get out of Jail Free card.


Select as Banker a player who will also make a good Auctioneer. A Banker who plays in the game must keep their personal funds separate from those of the Bank.  The Banker may have a Swiss Bank Account to conceal funds and avoid taxes. He/She also starts the game with$5000 and  one Get out of Jail Free card.

When more than five persons play, the Banker may elect to act only as Banker and Auctioneer.


The Silver Spoon Player begins the game with $15,000 and the ability to borrow money and make campaign contributions to the Politician in exchange for favorable legislation. He/She also starts the game with two Get out of Jail Free cards and a favorable line of credit with the bank.

Anyone who becomes a silver Spoon Player may convey this status to his/her heirs in the next game of Mittopoly.  If both generations want to play they have to share their money, but the other privileges convey to both.


Besides the Bank's money, the Bank holds the Title Deeds, and the houses and hotels prior to purchase by the players. The Bank pays salaries and bonuses. It sells and auctions properties and hands out the proper Title Deed cards when purchased by a player, it also sells houses and hotels to the players and loans money when required on mortgages.
The Bank collects all taxes, fines, loans and interest, and the price of all properties which it sells and auctions. The Bank "never goes broke." If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker may issue as much as needed by writing on any ordinary paper.


Starting with the Banker, each player in turn throws the dice. The player with the highest total starts the play. Place your token on the corner marked "GO", then throw the dice and move your token
(in the direction of the arrow)
 the number of spaces indicated by the dice.
After you have completed your play, the turn passes to the left. The tokens remain on the spaces occupied and proceed from that point on the player's next turn. Two or more tokens may rest on the same space at the same time.
Depending on the space your token reaches, you may be entitled to buy real estate or other properties, or be obliged to pay rent, pay taxes, draw a Chance or Community Chest card, Go To Jail, or etc...

If you throw doubles, you move your token as usual, the sum of the two dice, and are subject to any privileges or penalties pertaining to the space on which you land. Retaining the dice, throw again and move your token as before. If you throw doubles three times in succession, you have committed financial fraud and must move your token immediately to the space marked "In Jail".


Each time a player's token lands on or passes over GO, whether by throwing the dice or drawing a card, the Banker pays that player a $200 salary. With these additions:
Banker $2000 in mortgage interest, credit card fees, and processing fees
Politician $1000 in campaign contributions
Silver Spoon Player $5000 in low tax stock dividends
The $200 is paid only once each time around the board. However, if a player passing
 GO on the throw of the dice lands 2 spaces beyond it on Community Chest, or 7 spaces beyond it on Chance, and draws the "Advance to GO" card, they collect $200 for passing GO the first time, and another $200 for Advancing to it the second time by the instructions on the card.


Whenever you land on an unowned property you may buy that property from the Bank at its printed price. You receive the Title Deed card showing ownership. Place the title deed card face up in front of you. If you do not wish to buy the property, the Bank sells it at through an auction to the highest bidder. The high bidder pays the Bank the amount of the bid in cash and receives the Title Deed card for that property.
Any player, including the one who declined the option to buy it at the printed price, may bid. Bidding may start at any price. The Banker, the Politician, and the Silver Spoon Player may borrow money from the Bank to buy property at no interest, to be paid back whenever the player wishes.


When you land on a property that is owned by another player, the owner collects rent from you in accordance with the list printed on its Title Deed card.
If the property is mortgaged, no rent can be collected. When a property is mortgaged, its Title Deed card is placed face down in front of the owner.
It is an advantage to hold all the Title Deed cards in a color-group (i.e., Boardwalk and Park Place, or Connecticut, Vermont and Oriental Avenues) because the owner may then charge double rent for unimproved properties in that colour-group. This rule applies to unmortgaged properties even if another property in that colour-group is mortgaged.
It is even more advantageous to have houses or hotels on properties because rents are much higher than for unimproved properties. The owner may not collect the rent if they fail to ask for it before the second player following throws the dice.  The Banker and the Silver Spoon Player may bargain with the Politican (in exchange for a campaign contribution) to pass a law that allows them to retroactively collect rent.


When you land on either of these spaces, take the top card from the deck indicated, follow the instructions and return the card face down to the bottom of the deck. The "Get Out of Jail Free" card is held until used and then returned to the bottom of the deck. If the player who draws it does not wish to use it, then they may sell it, at any time, to another player at a price agreeable to both. 


If you land here you have two options: You may estimate your tax at $200 and pay the Bank, or you may pay 10% of your total worth to the Bank. Your total worth is all your cash on hand, printed prices of mortgaged and unmortgaged properties and cost price of all buildings you own.  The Banker, the Politician and the Silver Spoon Player pay only 5% of their wealth, so that they can create jobs later.
You must decide which option you will take before you add up your total worth.


You land in Jail when...
 Your token lands on the space marked "Go to Jail",
 You draw a card marked "Go to Jail" or
 You throw doubles three times in succession.
When you are sent to Jail you cannot collect your $200 salary in that move since, regardless of where your token is on the board, you must move directly into Jail. Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail.
If you are not "sent to jail" but in the ordinary course of play lands on that space, you are
"Just Visiting", you incur no penalty, and you move ahead in the usual manner on your next turn.
You still are able to collect rent on your properties because you are
 "Just Visiting".

A player gets out of Jail by...
 Throwing doubles on any of your next three turns,
if you succeed in doing this you immediately move forward the number of spaces shown by your doubles throw. Even though you had thrown doubles, you do not take another turn.

 Using the "Get Out of Jail Free Card"
 Purchasing the "Get Out of Jail Free Card" from another player and playing it.
 Paying a fine of $50 before you roll the dice on either of your next two turns. If you do not throw doubles by your third turn, you must pay the $50 fine. You then get out of Jail and immediately move forward the number of spaces shown by your throw.
Even though you are in Jail, you may buy and sell property, buy and sell houses and hotels and collect rents.


A player landing on this place does not receive any money, property or reward of any kind.
This is just a "free" resting-place.  If you are the Banker, the Politician or the Silver Spoon Player, it has a water view.


When a player owns all the properties in a colour-group they may buy houses from the Bank
and erect them on those properties.
If you buy one house, you may put it on any one of those properties. The next house you buy must be erected on one of the unimproved properties of this or any other complete colour-group you may own. The price you must pay the Bank for each house is shown on your Title Deed card for the property on which you erect the house. The owner still collects double rent from an opponent who lands on the unimproved properties of there complete colour-group.
Following the above rules, you may buy and erect at any time as many houses as your judgement and financial standing will allow. But you must build evenly, i.e., you cannot erect more than one house on any one property of any colour-group until you have built one house on every property of that group. You may then begin on the second row of houses, and so on, up to a limit of four houses to a property. For example, you cannot build three Houses on one property if you have only one house on another property of that group.
As you build evenly, you must also break down evenly if you sell houses back to the Bank (see SELLING PROPERTY).


When a player has four houses on each property of a complete colour-group, they may buy a hotel from the Bank and erect it on any property of the colour-group. They return the four houses from that property to the Bank and pay the price for the hotel as shown on the Title Deed card. Only one hotel may be erected on any one property.


When the Bank has no houses to sell, players wishing to build must wait for some player to return or sell their houses to the Bank before building. You may also contribute to the Politican who will pass  a law allowing you to seize the property of others for yourself, such as happens during highway building or urban renewal projects.  If there are a limited number of houses and hotels available and two or more players wish to buy more than the Bank has, the houses or hotels must be sold at auction to the highest bidder.


Unimproved properties, railroads and utilities (but not buildings) may be sold to any player as a private transaction for any amount the owner can get. However, no property can be sold to another player if buildings are standing on any properties of that colour-group. Any buildings so located must be sold back to the Bank before the owner can sell any property of that colour-group.

Houses and Hotels may be sold back to the Bank at any time for one-half the price paid for them. All houses on one colour-group may be sold at once, or they may be sold one house at a time (one hotel equals five houses), evenly, in reverse of the manner in which they were erected.


Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time. Before an improved property can be mortgaged, all the buildings on all the properties of its colour-group must be sold back to the Bank at half price. The mortgage value is printed on each Title Deed card.

No rent can be collected on mortgaged properties or utilities, but rent can be collected on unmortgaged properties in the same group.

In order to lift the mortgage, the owner must pay the Bank the amount of mortgage
 plus 10% interest. When all the properties of a colour-group are no longer mortgaged, the owner may begin to buy back houses at full price.

The player who mortgages property retains possession of it and no other player may secure it by lifting the mortgage from the Bank. However, the owner may sell this mortgaged property to another player at any agreed price. If you are the new owner, you may lift the mortgage at once if you wish by paying off the mortgage plus 10% interest to the Bank. If the mortgage is not lifted at once, you must pay the Bank 10% interest when you buy the property and if you lift the mortgage later you must pay the Bank an additional 10% interest as well as the amount of the mortgage.


You are declared bankrupt if you owe more than you can pay either to another player or to the Bank. If your debt is to another player, you must turn over to that player all that you have of value and retire from the game.
In making this settlement, if you own houses or hotels, you must return these to the Bank in exchange for money to the extent of one-half the amount paid for them.
This cash is given to the creditor. If you have mortgaged property you also turn this property over to your creditor but the new owner must at once pay the Bank the amount of interest on the loan, which is 10% of the value of the property.
The new owner who does this may then, at their option, pay the principal or hold the property until some later turn, then lift the mortgage. If they hold property in this way until a later turn, they must pay the interest again upon lifting the mortgage.
Should you owe the Bank, instead of another player, more than you can pay (because of taxes or penalties) even by selling off buildings and mortgaging property, you must turn over all assets to the Bank. In this case, the Bank immediately sells by auction all property so taken, except buildings. A bankrupt player must immediately retire from the game. The last player left in the game wins.


If the ordinary players get too frustrated with the game and start to complain about the rules, offer them 1) Distraction into political campaigns focused on socal issues unrelated to the player’s own life, such as abortion and gay marriage, which arouse passions or 2) easy credit to encourage distracting consumerism or 3) a choice of addictions to take their minds off the cause of their frustration.  Addictions may include gambling, drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, media, online games, eating.

Be sure to limit treatment programs that would allow recovery from these addictions by underfunding them in the healthcare system.


Money can be loaned to a player only by the Bank and then only by mortgaging property or as a personal favor to the Politician or the Silver Spoon Player. No player may borrow from or lend money to another player. 

Every Fifth game the Banker may insert the Silver Spoon Card into the Chance Deck, so there is the opportunity to join the 1%.

RULES for a SHORT GAME (60 to 90 minutes)

There are three changed rules for this Short Game.
1. During
 PREPARATION for play, the Banker shuffles the pack of Title Deed cards, then the player to the left cuts them, then the Banker deals out two, one at a time, to each player. The players must immediately pay the Bank the printed price of each. Play then begins as in the regular game.
2. In this short game, it is necessary to have only three houses
 (instead of four) on each lot of a complete colour-group before the player may buy a hotel.
Rent for a hotel remains the same as in the regular game.
The turn-in value of a hotel is still one-half the purchase price, which in this game is one house fewer than in the regular game.
 END OF GAME. The first player to go bankrupt retires from play, as in the regular game. However, when the second bankruptcy occurs, the game ends. Play immediately ceases, with the bankrupt player's turning over to there creditor all that they have of value, including buildings and any other properties.
This happens whether the creditor is a rival player or the Bank.
Each remaining player then values his/her property.
(1) Cash on hand
(2) Lots, Utilities and Railroads owned, at the price printed on the board.
(3) Any mortgaged property owned, at one-half the price printed on the board.
(4) Houses, valued at purchase price.
(5) Hotels, valued at purchase price including the value of the
three houses turned in.



TIME LIMIT GAME...Before starting, agree upon a definite hour of termination, when the richest player will be declared The winner. Before starting, the Banker shuffles and cuts the Title Deed cards and deals two to each player. Players immediately pay the Bank the price of the properties dealt to them.

ADDITIONAL CHANCE CARDS  (Suggestions welcome here)

1.    Contract a serious but curable illness that your health insurance plan does not cover.  Surrender all your money and property.
2.    A family member contractsa serious but curable illness that your health insurance plan does not cover.  Surrender all your money and property.
3.    Your wife finds out about you sleeping with your secretary and you failed to sign a prenup. Surrender 50% of your wealth to another player, chosen by the roll of the dice. Highest number wins.

Rules for Mittopoly, adapted for 2012

With the new economic proposals from the Romney-Ryan ticket, Monopoly needs some new rules to reflect  the economic reality ahead of us if they are elected. And so I present:

Official Mittopoly Game Rules
(Adapted from the classic Monopoly® game)
Original rules found at
Monopoly® available from

The following page is a copy of the rules adapted from the Monopoly® Rule Book.
Additions in Yellow
Inspired by the Mitt Romney Paul Ryan budget plan
By Jane Hurst,

The object of the game is to become the wealthiest player through buying, renting and selling of property.  If you want happiness, you have to find it some other way than by accumulating  wealth.


The equipment consists of a board, 2 dice, tokens, 32 houses and 12 Hotels. There are 15 Silver Spoon Cards, 16 Chance (Plus one Silver Spoon Card in the chance deck* plus additional Chance cards as listed below) and 16 Community Chest cards, 28 Title Deed card (one for each property), and play money, with the addition of 50 x $1000 bills. 
*Silver Spoon chance card is only inserted into the deck every fifth  game, or at the whim of the Politician, who has written laws guaranteeing  tax advantages and write offs that allow the growth and transfer of wealth by the Silver Spoon Player.


Place the board on a table and put the Chance and Community Chest cards face down on their allotted spaces on the board. Each player chooses one token to represent them while travelling around the board.

Roll the dice to decide which player (and his descendents) will be the Silver Spoon Player. Highest number wins.  The Silver Spoon player gets $15,000 and 5 houses and 5 hotels to begin the game.  He/she also gets guaranteed loans from the bank to expand his/her business when requested.

Roll the dice to decide which player will be the Politician. Lowest number wins. The Politician gets $5000 to start the game and favorable guaranteed loans to buy and improve property.

Each remaining player is given $1500 divided as follows:

2 $500's, 2 $100's, 2 $50's, 6 $20's, 5 $10's, 5 $5's, and 5 $1's.

All remaining money and other equipment go to the Bank.


The Politican in theory serves at the pleasure of the electorate, but in fact is in the pocket of the Silver Spoon Player. The advantage to being the Politician is that when he/she passes GO he/she collects $1000 in campaign contributions from the Silver Spoon Player.  He/she also has a higher salary (set by the congress) than everyone else and collects $500 from the bank when he/she passes Go. He/She also starts the game with $5000 and one Get out of Jail Free card.


Select as Banker a player who will also make a good Auctioneer. A Banker who plays in the game must keep their personal funds separate from those of the Bank.  The Banker may have a Swiss Bank Account to conceal funds and avoid taxes. He/She also starts the game with$5000 and  one Get out of Jail Free card.

When more than five persons play, the Banker may elect to act only as Banker and Auctioneer.


The Silver Spoon Player begins the game with $15,000 and the ability to borrow money and make campaign contributions to the Politician in exchange for favorable legislation. He/She also starts the game with two Get out of Jail Free cards and a favorable line of credit with the bank.

Anyone who becomes a silver Spoon Player may convey this status to his/her heirs in the next game of Mittopoly.  If both generations want to play they have to share their money, but the other privileges convey to both.


Besides the Bank's money, the Bank holds the Title Deeds, and the houses and hotels prior to purchase by the players. The Bank pays salaries and bonuses. It sells and auctions properties and hands out the proper Title Deed cards when purchased by a player, it also sells houses and hotels to the players and loans money when required on mortgages.
The Bank collects all taxes, fines, loans and interest, and the price of all properties which it sells and auctions. The Bank "never goes broke." If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker may issue as much as needed by writing on any ordinary paper.


Starting with the Banker, each player in turn throws the dice. The player with the highest total starts the play. Place your token on the corner marked "GO", then throw the dice and move your token
(in the direction of the arrow)
 the number of spaces indicated by the dice.
After you have completed your play, the turn passes to the left. The tokens remain on the spaces occupied and proceed from that point on the player's next turn. Two or more tokens may rest on the same space at the same time.
Depending on the space your token reaches, you may be entitled to buy real estate or other properties, or be obliged to pay rent, pay taxes, draw a Chance or Community Chest card, Go To Jail, or etc...

If you throw doubles, you move your token as usual, the sum of the two dice, and are subject to any privileges or penalties pertaining to the space on which you land. Retaining the dice, throw again and move your token as before. If you throw doubles three times in succession, you have committed financial fraud and must move your token immediately to the space marked "In Jail".


Each time a player's token lands on or passes over GO, whether by throwing the dice or drawing a card, the Banker pays that player a $200 salary. With these additions:
Banker $2000 in mortgage interest, credit card fees, and processing fees
Politician $1000 in campaign contributions
Silver Spoon Player $5000 in low tax stock dividends
The $200 is paid only once each time around the board. However, if a player passing
 GO on the throw of the dice lands 2 spaces beyond it on Community Chest, or 7 spaces beyond it on Chance, and draws the "Advance to GO" card, they collect $200 for passing GO the first time, and another $200 for Advancing to it the second time by the instructions on the card.


Whenever you land on an unowned property you may buy that property from the Bank at its printed price. You receive the Title Deed card showing ownership. Place the title deed card face up in front of you. If you do not wish to buy the property, the Bank sells it at through an auction to the highest bidder. The high bidder pays the Bank the amount of the bid in cash and receives the Title Deed card for that property.
Any player, including the one who declined the option to buy it at the printed price, may bid. Bidding may start at any price. The Banker, the Politician, and the Silver Spoon Player may borrow money from the Bank to buy property at no interest, to be paid back whenever the player wishes.


When you land on a property that is owned by another player, the owner collects rent from you in accordance with the list printed on its Title Deed card.
If the property is mortgaged, no rent can be collected. When a property is mortgaged, its Title Deed card is placed face down in front of the owner.
It is an advantage to hold all the Title Deed cards in a color-group (i.e., Boardwalk and Park Place, or Connecticut, Vermont and Oriental Avenues) because the owner may then charge double rent for unimproved properties in that colour-group. This rule applies to unmortgaged properties even if another property in that colour-group is mortgaged.
It is even more advantageous to have houses or hotels on properties because rents are much higher than for unimproved properties. The owner may not collect the rent if they fail to ask for it before the second player following throws the dice.  The Banker and the Silver Spoon Player may bargain with the Politican (in exchange for a campaign contribution) to pass a law that allows them to retroactively collect rent.


When you land on either of these spaces, take the top card from the deck indicated, follow the instructions and return the card face down to the bottom of the deck. The "Get Out of Jail Free" card is held until used and then returned to the bottom of the deck. If the player who draws it does not wish to use it, then they may sell it, at any time, to another player at a price agreeable to both. 


If you land here you have two options: You may estimate your tax at $200 and pay the Bank, or you may pay 10% of your total worth to the Bank. Your total worth is all your cash on hand, printed prices of mortgaged and unmortgaged properties and cost price of all buildings you own.  The Banker, the Politician and the Silver Spoon Player pay only 5% of their wealth, so that they can create jobs later.
You must decide which option you will take before you add up your total worth.


You land in Jail when...
 Your token lands on the space marked "Go to Jail",
 You draw a card marked "Go to Jail" or
 You throw doubles three times in succession.
When you are sent to Jail you cannot collect your $200 salary in that move since, regardless of where your token is on the board, you must move directly into Jail. Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail.
If you are not "sent to jail" but in the ordinary course of play lands on that space, you are
"Just Visiting", you incur no penalty, and you move ahead in the usual manner on your next turn.
You still are able to collect rent on your properties because you are
 "Just Visiting".

A player gets out of Jail by...
 Throwing doubles on any of your next three turns,
if you succeed in doing this you immediately move forward the number of spaces shown by your doubles throw. Even though you had thrown doubles, you do not take another turn.

 Using the "Get Out of Jail Free Card"
 Purchasing the "Get Out of Jail Free Card" from another player and playing it.
 Paying a fine of $50 before you roll the dice on either of your next two turns. If you do not throw doubles by your third turn, you must pay the $50 fine. You then get out of Jail and immediately move forward the number of spaces shown by your throw.
Even though you are in Jail, you may buy and sell property, buy and sell houses and hotels and collect rents.


A player landing on this place does not receive any money, property or reward of any kind.
This is just a "free" resting-place.  If you are the Banker, the Politician or the Silver Spoon Player, it has a water view.


When a player owns all the properties in a colour-group they may buy houses from the Bank
and erect them on those properties.
If you buy one house, you may put it on any one of those properties. The next house you buy must be erected on one of the unimproved properties of this or any other complete colour-group you may own. The price you must pay the Bank for each house is shown on your Title Deed card for the property on which you erect the house. The owner still collects double rent from an opponent who lands on the unimproved properties of there complete colour-group.
Following the above rules, you may buy and erect at any time as many houses as your judgement and financial standing will allow. But you must build evenly, i.e., you cannot erect more than one house on any one property of any colour-group until you have built one house on every property of that group. You may then begin on the second row of houses, and so on, up to a limit of four houses to a property. For example, you cannot build three Houses on one property if you have only one house on another property of that group.
As you build evenly, you must also break down evenly if you sell houses back to the Bank (see SELLING PROPERTY).


When a player has four houses on each property of a complete colour-group, they may buy a hotel from the Bank and erect it on any property of the colour-group. They return the four houses from that property to the Bank and pay the price for the hotel as shown on the Title Deed card. Only one hotel may be erected on any one property.


When the Bank has no houses to sell, players wishing to build must wait for some player to return or sell their houses to the Bank before building. You may also contribute to the Politican who will pass  a law allowing you to seize the property of others for yourself, such as happens during highway building or urban renewal projects.  If there are a limited number of houses and hotels available and two or more players wish to buy more than the Bank has, the houses or hotels must be sold at auction to the highest bidder.


Unimproved properties, railroads and utilities (but not buildings) may be sold to any player as a private transaction for any amount the owner can get. However, no property can be sold to another player if buildings are standing on any properties of that colour-group. Any buildings so located must be sold back to the Bank before the owner can sell any property of that colour-group.

Houses and Hotels may be sold back to the Bank at any time for one-half the price paid for them. All houses on one colour-group may be sold at once, or they may be sold one house at a time (one hotel equals five houses), evenly, in reverse of the manner in which they were erected.


Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time. Before an improved property can be mortgaged, all the buildings on all the properties of its colour-group must be sold back to the Bank at half price. The mortgage value is printed on each Title Deed card.

No rent can be collected on mortgaged properties or utilities, but rent can be collected on unmortgaged properties in the same group.

In order to lift the mortgage, the owner must pay the Bank the amount of mortgage
 plus 10% interest. When all the properties of a colour-group are no longer mortgaged, the owner may begin to buy back houses at full price.

The player who mortgages property retains possession of it and no other player may secure it by lifting the mortgage from the Bank. However, the owner may sell this mortgaged property to another player at any agreed price. If you are the new owner, you may lift the mortgage at once if you wish by paying off the mortgage plus 10% interest to the Bank. If the mortgage is not lifted at once, you must pay the Bank 10% interest when you buy the property and if you lift the mortgage later you must pay the Bank an additional 10% interest as well as the amount of the mortgage.


You are declared bankrupt if you owe more than you can pay either to another player or to the Bank. If your debt is to another player, you must turn over to that player all that you have of value and retire from the game.
In making this settlement, if you own houses or hotels, you must return these to the Bank in exchange for money to the extent of one-half the amount paid for them.
This cash is given to the creditor. If you have mortgaged property you also turn this property over to your creditor but the new owner must at once pay the Bank the amount of interest on the loan, which is 10% of the value of the property.
The new owner who does this may then, at their option, pay the principal or hold the property until some later turn, then lift the mortgage. If they hold property in this way until a later turn, they must pay the interest again upon lifting the mortgage.
Should you owe the Bank, instead of another player, more than you can pay (because of taxes or penalties) even by selling off buildings and mortgaging property, you must turn over all assets to the Bank. In this case, the Bank immediately sells by auction all property so taken, except buildings. A bankrupt player must immediately retire from the game. The last player left in the game wins.


If the ordinary players get too frustrated with the game and start to complain about the rules, offer them 1) Distraction into political campaigns focused on socal issues unrelated to the player’s own life, such as abortion and gay marriage, which arouse passions or 2) easy credit to encourage distracting consumerism or 3) a choice of addictions to take their minds off the cause of their frustration.  Addictions may include gambling, drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, media, online games, eating.

Be sure to limit treatment programs that would allow recovery from these addictions by underfunding them in the healthcare system.


Money can be loaned to a player only by the Bank and then only by mortgaging property or as a personal favor to the Politician or the Silver Spoon Player. No player may borrow from or lend money to another player. 

Every Fifth game the Banker may insert the Silver Spoon Card into the Chance Deck, so there is the opportunity to join the 1%.

RULES for a SHORT GAME (60 to 90 minutes)

There are three changed rules for this Short Game.
1. During
 PREPARATION for play, the Banker shuffles the pack of Title Deed cards, then the player to the left cuts them, then the Banker deals out two, one at a time, to each player. The players must immediately pay the Bank the printed price of each. Play then begins as in the regular game.
2. In this short game, it is necessary to have only three houses
 (instead of four) on each lot of a complete colour-group before the player may buy a hotel.
Rent for a hotel remains the same as in the regular game.
The turn-in value of a hotel is still one-half the purchase price, which in this game is one house fewer than in the regular game.
 END OF GAME. The first player to go bankrupt retires from play, as in the regular game. However, when the second bankruptcy occurs, the game ends. Play immediately ceases, with the bankrupt player's turning over to there creditor all that they have of value, including buildings and any other properties.
This happens whether the creditor is a rival player or the Bank.
Each remaining player then values his/her property.
(1) Cash on hand
(2) Lots, Utilities and Railroads owned, at the price printed on the board.
(3) Any mortgaged property owned, at one-half the price printed on the board.
(4) Houses, valued at purchase price.
(5) Hotels, valued at purchase price including the value of the
three houses turned in.



TIME LIMIT GAME...Before starting, agree upon a definite hour of termination, when the richest player will be declared The winner. Before starting, the Banker shuffles and cuts the Title Deed cards and deals two to each player. Players immediately pay the Bank the price of the properties dealt to them.

ADDITIONAL CHANCE CARDS  (Suggestions welcome here)

1.    Contract a serious but curable illness that your health insurance plan does not cover.  Surrender all your money and property.
2.    A family member contractsa serious but curable illness that your health insurance plan does not cover.  Surrender all your money and property.
3.    Your wife finds out about you sleeping with your secretary and you failed to sign a prenup. Surrender 50% of your wealth to another player, chosen by the roll of the dice. Highest number wins.