Monthly Archives: March 2020

Ragtag Daily Prompt, Thursday: Countless Branches…

Where else would you find countless branches than at Branch Brook Park in Newark, New Jersey.  And where else would you find countless branches filled with cherry blossoms every April than at the Cherry Blossom festival in Branch Brook Park.

Here’s a little known fact: Branch Brook Park has more cherry trees than Washington D.C. and has more than 2,700 Japanese cherry blossom trees.  Branch Brook Park also holds the distinction of being the first county park in the United States opened to the public.

A few pictures from 2010 and 2018. I really kind of like the lion one best 🙂

Friendly Friday Photo Challenge: Rails…

The rails of the historic Central Railroad of New Jersey train terminal at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Taken from their website:  ‘From 1892 through 1954, the CRRNJ Terminal stood with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to unfold one of this nation’s most dramatic stories: the immigration of northern, southern and eastern Europeans, among others, into the United States. After being greeted by the Statue of Liberty and processed at Ellis Island, these immigrants purchased tickets and boarded trains at the Terminal that took them to their new homes throughout the United States. Learn more about the CRRNJ’s history, visit the Historic CRRNJ Train Terminal site.  ‘

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Friendly Friday Photo Challenge – Art Unexpected…

Clockwise from upper right:  tree sculpture in PA – easels in windows – statues and metal cows at the Field Gallery on Martha’s Vineyard – sidewalk art – mural in NJ – piano in Greenwich Village, NYC.

My daughter and I are deeply into our genealogy and have been visiting cemeteries where our ancestor are buried.  I’ve always found cemeteries to be interesting places, especially the older ones where grave stones and markers are indeed works of art.  We have several ancestors buried in Mt Pleasant Cemetery in Newark, New Jersey, which is Newark’s oldest cemetery and in my opinion the most beautiful and interesting one.  The cemetery has a special section for the firemen of Newark and that is where my great, great grandfather is buried.  The unexpected art connection to me are the fire hydrants that surround this section.
