Monthly Archives: January 2019

Reflecting The Sunset…

The sunset over New Jersey from the Henry Hudson Parkway along the Hudson River in New York City.



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Sunset reflected in windows.

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Photo A Day Challenge: Ice Blue…

This particular challenge prompted me to revisit pictures from a  cruise to Alaska in 1988. (I took pictures of the pictures so they might be a little grainy).

As the ship sailed into Glacier Bay a small fog bank lifted and there in front of us was Mendenhall Glacier.

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You could hear the glacier groaning and moaning as it inched its way to the bay… the last picture is of ice and snow falling into the water.


One of my favorite pictures is from the helicopter flying over the glacier.


Walking on the glacier.




Photo A Day Challenge: With Letter ‘W’…

Water wheel. 

Cooper Grist Mill, Chester, New Jersey

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Photo A Day Challenge: Frosted Amethyst…


Encouragement and Inspiration…


Everywhere you look this time of year there are words of encouragement, hope, and inspiration to help you along with those pesky new year’s resolutions so many of us fail to keep. We all know the sayings and catch phrases and remember them at least for awhile.

When I saw this card… it jumped right out at me… I read it… liked what it said and put it back. Then picked it up again. Put it back and walked away. It pulled me back and it was obvious I wasn’t leaving the store without it.

It’s not just the words, I like the colors, the contented look on the woman’s face.. peaceful and all knowing without being all preachy about it.

Some of these things will be easy to embrace, others not so much.

* Embrace change –- Never an easy thing for me, I usually like things the way they are and fight against too much change… some would say all change but I disagree, I’m trying to accept some change.

*Take the journey back to yourself –- Ahhh, it’s so easy to lose the ‘self’ we are, the one that is inside our heads talking to us. We lose ourselves and become someones mother, wife, sister, friend… the essence of our inner self gets overshadowed. I am definitely encouraging my inner self to stand out and up more often.

*Speak of gratitude –- I am grateful and do speak of it often and hope that it comes through to those I am grateful to, and for.

*Wear yellow shoes—  I used to have yellow heels and yellow patent leather flats and they made me happy. They say you should always have a pair of red shoes and I agree with that, but yellow, now there’s a pair of shoes to dance among the stars in.  (Never got yellow shoes but I have ones with stars on them).

*Unleash your creative spirit –I do unleash my creative spirit… this blog is one example…  and I also like write and to color among other things.


 *Be positive – I’m not generally positive, I am a pessimist with optimistic leanings but I shall endeavor to switch that around. Really, I’m positive about that !

*Believe in healing — Definitely, no doubt about it…mentally, physically and spiritually.. we can heal.

*Share your inner light— I try to do that, a smile here, a smile there, it’s amazing how many people react positively to that… see, I’m being positive🙂

*Surprise yourself and do things you didn’t think you could do –I’m always surprised at what I do that I didn’t think I could… I usually need a gentle push from loved ones..okay sometimes a shove.

*Live as if you only have one chance –We definitely only have one chance at the life we’re living now.

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Photo A Day Challenge: Start With ‘K’…

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Edgartown ~ Martha’s Vineyard

Photo A Day Challenge: Frosty Blue…

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Photo A Day Challenge: End With ‘A’…


Photo A Day Challenge: Chocolate Frost…

It has to be frosting 🙂


Photo A Day Challenge: Start With ‘Z’…

For ‘Z’ I’ve chosen the Tappan ZEE Bridge in New York, which is named for the Native American tribe called the ‘Tappan’ and ZEE is the Dutch word for ‘sea.’

Being that the prompt for Jan 12th is ‘Z’ and the bridge was to be demolished on that date I thought it was a perfect choice. However, demolition of the east span of the old Tappan ZEE bridge with explosives has been postponed until Tuesday, January 15th due to high winds.

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Closer look.  Old bridge on the right, new one on the left.

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