Monthly Archives: August 2017

Pattern Release: Coronado Cowl

The Coronado Cowl was just released this week (tip: newsletter subscribers get a discount this week only!).

It’s worked in scrumptious Stitch Sprouts Yellowstone (which I keep wanting to call Yosemite, because that’s one of my favorite places in California!).

You can work it with the edging, or without: your choice! Check out the gorgeous projects from my testers here.

Details below!

This pattern uses vintage stitch patterns (Bee Stitch and Honeybee Lace Stitch from Barbara Walker) to create a lightweight, lacy cowl. Work it with or without the lace edgings.

One size each version
Cowl without edging
Cowl with top/bottom edging

Finished Measurements
Circumference 23” / 58 cm
Height 6 (11)” / 15 (28) cm

Stitch Sprouts Yellowstone, 80% wool / 10% silk (285 yds / 260m per 3.55 oz / 100g), 1 skein, shown in Old Faithful. Sample as shown used 257 yds / 234 m.

US 5 / 3.75 mm needles or size to obtain gauge
Your choice of circular needles or DPNs.

26 sts and 32 rounds = 4” / 10 cm in main body pattern

5 stitch markers to separate repeats if desired
1 unique stitch marker for beginning of round
yarn needle
waste yarn or stitch holder

Knitting in the round, special stitches (directions given), lace, picking up stitches
Both charts and line by line instructions provided.

Author Platforms and Snake Oil Salesmen

I finished my second draft of my second novel last week and now I’m stuck in the in-between place where I don’t really have a project working to work on. It’s two months to Nanowrimo. And that feels like too little time to really dig into the manuscript I have in progress (a romance novel story with a haunted house, how exciting in that?) only to have to set it aside to start something new come November 1st.

I realize that I don’t have to participate in Nanowrimo but I’m going to. I love it.

No, during this 2 months between writing projects felt like a good time to focus on myself as an author whose trying to get published. I am going to write a couple synopses, query some agents and, sigh, work on my author platform.

I don’t think I can convey to you how much I loathe those two words.

Marla’s definition of Author Platform:

The online persona authors are supposed to don in order to sell their books. Usually this persona is some insincere scrap of their real personality that ensnares the masses into a sales funnel where each individual ideally buys ten copies of your book. IE, writing free, snazzy, sparkly content to get attention in a way that tries not to look sleazy but uses all of the online sales gimmicks of those people who try to sell you thousand-dollar classes so that you too can make a million dollars in passive income on the internet.

I would apologize for exaggerating if I didn’t get at least six of those emails a day. More if they’ve got a new $1000 course coming out.

Honestly though, are some good points to putting together a author platform. Namely, nobody can read my books if they don’t know about them. So, in the spirit of making my dreams come true, I’ve been searching for people with integrity (I really like Mixtus Media) who can tell me how to get started.

Combing through all of these websites about how to determine your ideal reader / customer has me thinking a lot about performance.

Since I left the Historical Society I have been working a serving job in the evenings where I present myself in a way that is far more outgoing and effusive and cheerful than I really am. In short, when I’m at work as an extrovert. I even have a costume that I wear because it helps me transition to that place where I can excitedly sell beer and burgers.

It feels like some of these passive income sales experts are telling me that I need to adopt a persona similar to what I do when I am serving if I want people to pay attention to me.

I’m not about to try selling my books like that. There has to be more to representing myself authentically then pasting on a smile and pretending to be happy. I don’t want to be performing all the damn time.

I read an article last week about how modern fitness culture is a way for (whtie) upper middle class Americans to enforce social discrimination. There’s nothing wrong with exercise or eating healthy, but when it is performed to reinforce a system of discrimination for those who are not performing (ie, not thin, not buying the right food, shoes, yoga pants, etc.) there is a problem. And a lot of what I’m seeing from the experts on how to sell my books is that I need to shine up the aspects that are aesthetically pleasing, disregard those that aren’t, then “create value” for what it is you want to sell, usually by making the potential customer feel insecure about how much they really know on the topic, then selling them the solution for only $297.

“Creating Value” is the best way to make people feel like shit about themselves so they’ll spend their money in order to be able to perform success on the internet. Because performing success on the internet makes you an expert in whatever you are selling.

But dear lord, why?

Isn’t the whole point of being your own boss to make a living doing what brings you joy? Because it sure sounds to me like a lot of people thinks it’s about being like everyone else.

So yeah while I am indeed going to endeavor to blog at least once a week and post some photos on Instagram, there is no way in hell that I’m going to adopt another persona and pretend to be that person once or twice a week just to get readers. I don’t need to create value to what I am doing, because my contribution is already valuable. I write books about love stories from a feminist perspective, because I think it’s important to have as many woman characters with agency out there as possible.

I don’t want to play who can win the internet. I’ve never been into role playing games, and I don’t have a character. And honestly, I really don’t think that the same strategies the bozos shilling essential oils use should be the same ones that I use to try and connect with readers.

I just want to be cranky, stressed out, blissed out, distracted by kiddos, preoccupied with my current characters me.

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Corner…

In this week’s challenge, share a photo or photos that plays on any of the word’s many meanings.


Some of my choices for corner.


Thomas Edison’s library in West Orange, New Jersey.  I love the idea of a bed in the corner.

High Point monument in the northwestern corner of New Jersey where NJ/PA/NY meet.


This and that.




New Things

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Everybody needs a change now and again, so what new topics or authors are you interested in these days? Or what new kinds of books do you wish you had time for?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

More Alabama Chanin makes

When the weather turns warm, I lean into the hand stitching and away from the knitting needles (but not completely). This summer I added three Alabama Chanin garments to the wardrobe. They go quick when they are one layer and unembellished!


Twice now I have created a straight skirt using the pattern for the back of the wrap skirt as both the front and the back piece and adding no more than and inch to the one that goes in back (which I remember by starting the elastic back there). It works for my boyish shape. Like my parchment one, this brown one was made from Brunette fabric I had left over from Build-a-Wardrobe 2016; I can wear it with the Alabama Sweater Top of the same jersey, or with other pieces, like this A-line top I made from a  Liberty Graphics T I got in Maine (plus some thrifted undyed ones). When I wore it back to the factory outlet store in Liberty last week, they noticed and took a picture of me. Thread is green, shade no.6770, and binding is in cretan stitch. 

My second tank top is also stitched from my AC jersey stash that I often add to during those special sales. I think I got this single yard of Leaf knowing there is a green-and-black skirt in the queue; it is a different shade but could coordinate. So I went ahead and made it now. It has inside floating seams since there is not a matching thread color, but I did use Dogwood thread for binding in zig-zag chain stitch. 

I have a rose-under-carmine swing skirt in the works, but who knows when i shall complete that heavily embellished piece! 

Weekly Photo Challenge: Shiny…

What is guaranteed to distract you? What is your “Ooh, shiny!”?


I didn’t know what to do for ‘Shiny’ and then today my daughter and I took a ride to Jersey City, NJ to have coffee and enjoy the view.  Talk about shiny.  The shiny glass buildings reflecting the sky and other buildings, definitely shiny.

The Freedom Tower in New York City

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The 30 Hudson Street building in Jersey City, New Jersey

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The Main Subject of This Article Is Health and Fitness Programs

The strength of a person is of two sorts. One is the emotional well-being and the other is the physical wellbeing. The joy of a human life generally relies upon being sound. So it is particularly critical for a human to stay sound and fit. It has been demonstrated that person can remain fit by making a few strides. A human body must be fit by keeping up numerous wellness rules. The period of today is the present day age. The general population of today are especially mindful of remaining solid and fit. Numerous businesses are actualizing these sorts of projects into their working environment with the objectives of enhancing and keeping up the soundness of their representatives and expanding specialist efficiency. Presently a day’s many satellite stations are communicating numerous wellbeing and work out schedules.

Not just that they are additionally giving numerous helpful weight control plans, practice by relying upon ages and those are educated by proficient teachers and furthermore giving data about those sustenances which are awful for wellbeing. Numerous wellbeing and work out schedules are presenting the wellbeing and wellness instruments or items. So individuals are being profited and they identity is enhancing thus as their certainty level. That is the reason extensive number of individuals is pulling in to these sorts of projects. As the days are passing these numbers are spreading. In the ebb and flow world organizations whom are putting forth occupations are fundamentally seeking individuals having best identity and certainty. Wellbeing and work out regimes are helping individuals to land many energizing positions.

It has now turned out to be one of the real concerns. This made life dynamic and alarm. Presently, life has turned out to be more basic and simple. Everything an individual need is only a stage away. This simple life has confined people to do that bit of physical exercise which is required to keep the body fit and sound. We get moment, zesty and assortment of nourishment which lose their sustenance amid the procedure. It can have all that effect in one’s life. These sorts of program are encouraged by a Certified Athletic Trainer who will enable individual to build up an activity to program for his/her particular needs. These projects has helped them to address medical problems, for example, being overweight, having hypertension or lifted cholesterol levels, decreasing danger factors for coronary illness, back agony and other adjust unsettling influences. Notwithstanding, look into is as yet being led to decide whether these projects are a viable methods for accomplishing these objectives.

Alterknit Stitch Dictionary Winner!

Alterknit Stitch Dictionary Winner! post image

So, you’re all wondering who won the Alterknit Stitch Dictionary, huh? (grin)

So, with the help from my Facebook friends, from whom I asked for random numbers between one and four and then selected the average …

The winner is: Liz B!

Congratulations! Please email me your addresses so I can send you your copy. You’re going to love it!

And, thank you again to Interweave Press for providing the extra copy. You guys rock.

(I’ve sent an email to the winner. If I don’t hear back in a week, I’ll pick another winner. It would be a shame to let this sit unclaimed, after all.)

Illumination Night On The Vineyard…

Illumination Night this year is Wednesday, August 16, 2017

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It has always been my favorite event of the summer… going to Illumination Night is a thrill for me no matter what my age.


I think I was 2 and 1/2 the first time I went to Illumination Night.  I’m embarrassed to say that even with my annoyingly good memory, I don’t remember it. My first memory of Illumination Night involves wearing a particularly pretty dress so I’m thinking I was around three or four, which would have been around 1946.

My dad, mom, god-mother and I would have an early supper and then walk to the Campground. My dad and I would stroll around looking at all the beautifully decorated gingerbread houses while my mother and god-mother would chat with friends and relatives.



At 8 o’clock the Vineyard Haven Band would begin playing and the always fun community sing would start. Patriotic songs like, America The Beautiful, Yankee Doodle, Battle Hymn of the Republic are always stirring and emotional. It took me a couple of years to learn the words to all the songs and I still get messed up on a couple of the rounds like John Brown’s Baby. The band playing the Star Spangled Banner and the rousing Stars and Stripes Forever are always a crowd pleaser.

But as much fun as that was it was only a precursor to the main event. The Tabernacle and Campground go dark… the crowd cheers. The lighting of the first lantern and then all the gingerbread houses are simultaneously aglow with Japanese lanterns.


Everyone oohs and ahhs and stream out of the Tabernacle to walk through the magical fairyland the Campground has become. My dad would carry me on his shoulders so I could see everything… I felt like I could touch the stars.


After seeing all there was to see we’d head out onto Circuit Ave to either the Frosty Cottage for ice cream or Darling’s for popcorn, a tasty ending to a perfectly enchanting night.

No matter your age, Illumination Night is fun for everyone, I myself morph into an 8 year old.

  Illumination Night as described in the Vineyard Gazette:

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If you’re on the Vineyard this Wed, Aug 16, 2017 you should go and experience Illumination Night.  101_3011