Monthly Archives: January 2021

Challenge Your Camera: #4 Churches…

The Old First Presbyterian Church, the oldest church in Newark, NJ was established in 1666 by the founders of Newark, NJ. My 10 times great-grandfather Robert Treat from Bradford, CT was one of the founders of Newark and member of this church. It wasn’t until 2018 when I joined a walking tour of Newark that I found out the history of the church and my connection to it.

1644 Org. Brandford, Connecticut – 1666 Robert Treat Leads Settlement (my 10th times gr grandfather) – 1668 First Meeting House – 1745 Church Temporal Rule Ends – 1748 Princeton’s 1st Commencement – 1753 Charter From King George II – 1775 British loot manse – 1791 Present (3rd) Church dedicated – 1952 Chapel & (4th) Parish House.

Among the noted pastors of the Church was its 7th pastor from 1736-1755, the Rev Aaron Burr Sr father of Aaron Burr Jr, the 3rd Vice President.

One of these days I hope to get back there and take a tour of the inside of the church.

If you’re interested in the history of the Old First Presbyterian Church of Newark, NJ CLICK HERE

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #131: Emotions…

I saw this sculpture a few years ago at Garden For Sculpture in Hamilton, New Jersey. I think this is one of the most emotional sculpture I’ve seen. What is their story? Are they re-uniting or parting? Look into her eyes, do you see joy or sorrow? Are they in a secluded spot for a reason? The possibilities of their story are endless.

If you’re ever in NJ and looking for a delightful way to spend the day visit the Grounds For Sculpture, you won’t be sorry. And don’t forget to look for the hidden art !

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: In or On Water…

Challenge Your Camera: Red…

Ironically I did a post yesterday about my red waterless amaryllis…

CLICK HERE to read my post on the red amaryllis.


Before last year I had never heard of a waterless amaryllis.

The collage below shows the growth from day 1 to day 20… left to right starting at top row. The last picture is my red amaryllis with the white one my daughter had at her office which she brought home over the Christmas holidays. The white ones are taller. This has been so rewarding watching this flower bloom with just a bit of sunlight and no other care at all. Unfortunately as of today, January 11 it is pretty much finished blooming and won’t bloom again. But for the time it was here it brought a lot of enjoyment and beauty. I’ll definitely do this again next year.

RDP Friday – Fresh…

My calendar I created for 2021. Here’s to a fresh new year and all the possibilities it holds.