Monthly Archives: August 2016

Little Vineyard Picture Book…


This teeny Vineyard book is 1 inch square. Untie the ribbon and it opens like an accordion.


There is a verse on one side…


“The landscape of Martha’s Vineyard invites us daily to pause, to breathe and give our awareness to the splendor of our surroundings. The soul of the land and the sea speaks in a silent language to our own souls, calling forth a feeling of connectedness and well-being, belonging and responsiveness. We come to our senses and discover ourselves again in the grace, elegance and natural beauty of the island… Even if your visit here is brief , the Vineyard welcomes you home.” -I.G.M.

And pictures on the other.

I’ve added in some of my own that sort of resemble the ones in the book. I didn’t have any pictures of grazing cows so I substituted a goat friend of mine.







I’m glad I rediscovered this teeny book today. Thank you to the special person who gave it to me.<3

The End Of August

This is it, folks. The last day of August. Summer is coming fast to a close. Tomorrow is the start of my most favorite time of year, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.  The kids are enjoying their last full week off before school starts. The animals certainly look ready for cooler weather, hiding out in the shade all day being lethargic.  Even inside,the cats have been favoring darker, cooler spots under beds during the day.

Unfortunately my battery charger for my camera has died, so the pictures in this post are all from my phone.


Little Poppet, who is almost a year old now and still impossibly tiny.


I started working on my sweater again for the first time in a few months. I realized that Rhinebeck is not actually that far away now, so I’d better get it done!


A portion of the garden’s output this year. I may have been robbed of my tomatoes (stupid deer), but boy my pumpkins have come through!


Asters and mums!!!!


There’s still plenty of goldenrod all around as well.


Flapjack and Charlie have become something of an item. He follows Charlie wherever he goes, and Charlie shares his food with him. Normally, Charlie will snap at anyone who gets in on his food (the chickens, the goats, the dogs, Churchill), but for some reason he doesn’t mind Flapjack. Must be love!


While Flapjack is following Charlie, Charlie is generally following me. He loves having his ears scratched!


Of course, I think he also is always hoping I’ll have a treat for him.


Morning glories! You know what that means………my birthday is just around the corner!

Tagged: Farm, Garden, Pets, Seasons

Barnegat Lighthouse…


Barnegat Lighthouse – New Jersey

Review: A Hat for Mrs Goldman

Review: A Hat for Mrs Goldman post image


First, the facts:

Title: A Hat for Mrs Goldman

Author: Michelle Edwards

Illustrator: G. Brian Karas

Published by: Schwarz & Wade Books, 2016

Pages: 40

Type: Children’s book


No chapters, just a sweet story

The In-Depth Look:

This is an adorable little story book for kids which is particularly hard to review because I don’t want to give too much away!

It tells the story of Sophia, whose neighbor next door is so busy knitting things for other people, she doesn’t have time to make anything for herself. What will her young neighbor do?

Honestly, I already feel I’ve said too much–but even if the story is perhaps predictable to grown-up readers, the story is still sweet and caring. Charming, too.

The illustrations by G. Brian Karas are sweet, gently tinted pictures against tea-colored pages–not bright or gaudy, but carefully calibrated to the tone of the story. The artist even taught himself to knit, to be sure to get the illustrations right–you have to love his dedication.

The story ends with a knitting pattern for the hat itself, so you can make one for yourself. Or your kid can make one. It’s a simple pattern geared toward a (very) new knitter–just right, I think, to tie in to Sophia’s story. This isn’t about Mom making something for her kid–it’s about the kid figuring out how to make something wonderful.

This book is charming and sweet and lovely and gentle and … just really nice. I would have loved it as a kid and it makes me smile now, too.

You can get your copy at your local bookstore or at (Both paper and Kindle versions are available.

Want to see bigger pictures? Click here.

This review copy was kindly donated by the author. Thank you!

My Gush: Sweet and adorable

Other posts for this author:

Weekly Challenge: Frame…

The prompt: We frame what we see through our lens. And it tends to be a process, whether you use the golden ratio, the rule of thirds, or just aim for the right balance.

But what about how the world frames itself? Look at things a bit differently,  find an alternative frame to the world around you and share what you see!


My choice for ‘frame’ is this picture I took on Martha’s Vineyard.  The Tabernacle is one of my favorite places and I can never take enough pictures of it, however this is one of my favorites and it happened accidentally.  Don’t a lot of them :)   I was walking out of Trinity Methodist Church which is across from the Tabernacle and just snapped this shot as I approached the doorway.  I love how it frames just a snippet of the Tabernacle.




Have I mentioned how obsessed with Hamilton we all are around here? It’s been the only music played at home and in the cars for months now. We’ve also devoured the book, and though we haven’t actually seen the play, it feels like we know it cold.

Since my children perpetually have Halloween on the brain it was no surprise really when Neve and Oona announced they wanted to go as the Schuyler sisters this year. Since there are 3 – Peggy, Angelica, and Eliza – they insisted that I must go as Eliza. Twist my arm, why don’t you?

Oona was happy to be Peggy (I don’t know, I kind of thought no one would want poor Peggy’s part), so Neve is going as Angelica.

For me, the fun in all of this will be making the costumes. It’s been ages and ages since any of the kids wanted my help sewing their costumes. Neve wants to make hers on her own, but I will be making Oona’s and my own.


I’m looking forward to a lot of time in my craft room, working on all of the projects I’ve had in limbo. Like the Washi dress I’m halfway through.


So much sewing, so little time.

If you haven’t hopped on the Hamilton bandwagon……DO IT! Start with the soundtrack; you won’t regret it!

Tagged: Sewing

That Face…



(read about this adorable face by please clicking this link..thank you)

Chappy 2001…

It’s only been 4 months since we lost Chappy in April 2016 but today, Aug 25 of 2001 is fresh in our memories.


15 years ago today, Aug 25, 2001, Chappy came home to NJ to live with us.

It was a dark and stormy night… no wait, that’s another story.   It was actually a beautiful sunny, white puffy cloud, mild August day when Deb (his mom), and I traveled to Kittanning, PA to pick him up.   We had been there two weeks prior to look over the litter of new Boykin Spaniel puppies and to sort of reserve the one that would be coming home with us today.    We thought it went well, Deb chose the future Chappy and the breeder put a red mark inside his ear… he has since been referred to by us as… yes, red ear.

In the two week interim preparations were made for Chappy’s arrival… bedding, toys, food & water dishes, toys, crate, pillows, toys… you get the picture.

So off Deb and I went on Friday, Aug 24th to drive the 6 hours to Kittanning, spend the night and then pick red ear, oops, Chappy up in the morning.   Deb had spent the day at work  being anxious to get the day over with and get on the road.  Deb didn’t feel well that night, stress, the long drive, the anxiety of picking up Chappy, it all took a toll.   Soon morning rolled around and after a quick breakfast off to the breeder’s we headed.

The puppies were awake and adorable, they were playing and yipping and being all sorts of cute.


Except one…. he was off to the side looking all unsure of everything… yes… it was indeed ‘red ear’…. oh dear.


The breeder told Deb she was not under any obligation to take him as he wasn’t sure this puppy was adoptable at the time.    And that’s when I saw my daughter fall apart.    We thought we had it all worked out and would walk in, pick up the future Chappy and leave, well it wasn’t going to be that easy.

In the meantime other folks were coming in to pick out puppies and to be honest it was quite annoying that they would pick one up… look at it… say yes or no and be off.  How were they doing that… was there some kind of pup-telepathy that we didn’t have ?

As we stood there and mulled over the situation two of the puppies scampered over to us and pretty much wore themselves out vying to be Deb’s choice.


I knew pretty much right off the bat which one I would choose and I really tried to hide my choice from Deb and let her make her own decision.   She says she could read on my face which one I liked best and I’m sure she could.   She was so distraught that at one point I blurted out that she could bring both of them home !!!

And so the competition continued… Mr Personality vs Mr Adorable.  Mr Personality was sleek and energetic and was quite lovable.  Mr Adorable was fuzzier faced and a little smooshed nosed and also energetic and lovable.

Which one did Deb choose, or rather who chose her.  Why it was Chappy of course, or formerly known as… Mr Adorable.  By the way, he was my choice from the very beginning… just saying.


Chappy saying good-by to his parents Buddy & Tawny.  He looks a lot like his mom and has her sweet personality.


With the traumatic morning behind us we headed on our 6 hour trip home.  Chappy slept in Deb’s lap for most of the ride only awakening when big scary trucks rumbled past or when we stopped for food or gas.  We also stopped at McDonald’s where he caused quite a commotion with his cuteness.



At long last we were home and settling in very nicely with family and toys.



I love this picture…


and this one 12 years later in 2013.


Thank you Chappy for being in our lives, we miss you and love you❤

Jamming in the Summer

Lately I’ve been craving jam. A lot. I think it *may* have something to do with my friend Sarah in Canada who keeps posting pictures of all the delicious jams she’s been making the last couple of months. But, as I don’t at the moment have a ready supply of fruit to use (some people around here keep eating it all before it can be used for anything…..), I turned to what I DO have: tomatoes. Tomato jam is incredibly delicious. You can use it in place of ketchup, or slather it on some french bread with chevre  (the yumminess!).  I also wouldn’t judge you for eating it out of the jar with a spoon.

The recipe I use comes from the fabulous Food In Jars by Marisa McClellan. Chopped tomatoes get cooked down with cinnamon, cloves, red peppers, lime juice, ginger, and sugar to make a zesty, sweet/savory, tomato-y jam that will deliciously haunt your dreams forever.




I can’t wait to put this on everything!

The downside is how wonderfully fall-like it made the house smell, what with the cinnamon, ginger, and cloves. We’re struggling hard to enjoy every last bit of summer before we have to close the pool and pack up our sun dresses and sandals for the year, but the light quality is already changing and the nights have gotten noticeably cooler. Enjoy this last bit of summer, everyone. It won’t last long.

Tagged: food, Garden

Morning Dock…


Edgartown harbor – Martha’s Vineyard