So, after a short time here on the prairie, Ramble and I...along with our friends Suzy, Sierra, Mary and Erin headed east. We'd been invited to Juniper Moon Fiber Farm to celebrate the new home of our fav sheep and goats..and to participate in a photo shoot.
It was way early when we set out. Ramble was excited that rather than traveling in a mail bag, he'd actually get to sit in a seat. And very excited to meet his new best friend Sierra. She promised to take good care of him and to make sure he saw all the sights.
He behaved very well on the plane, stayed in his seatbelt, but was really glad to get off in Dallas to meet Mary and Erin. Before long, it was back up in the air on our way to DC.
We had a bit of time to explore DC and Ramble was right there as we gazed at the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Wall and the cool neighborhood we got lost in. Then it was off to pick up Lori at the airport (she came from CA)and head out to VA.
Part of that trip was a bit scary but he slept through it..or else he was hiding his eyes. :-) But finally we got to our hotel AND an IHOP...whew were we ever hungry.
The next day found us at the farm where he got to meet Susie and Erin and Paige. We helped around as much as we could, visited with the animals and just generally enjoyed being there.

On Saturday, the excitement reached a new high. The shearer was there! The photographer, the stylist and the writer were there. And loads of "aunties". So many people wanted to meet him, he was just all a twitter. He was really rather afraid of the shearer. He actually liked his wooly coat. But after she said he wasn't in the deal he relaxed and even got to sit on her lap.

He just had a lovely time but was sooo tired that he slept all the way home. And after an extended rest, he's now on his way once again. Stay tuned.