Monthly Archives: November 2009

i dyed yarn

my first efforts
Originally uploaded by lornababy

so i tried dyeing yarn for the first time this weekend. i did these with kool-aid. amazing that you can get such pretty colors with kool-aid, huh? more pictures in the yarn dyeing set at my flickr page.

Happy thanksgiving!

This was our dinner...

Da Basement

Ummm after much thought, I've decided that this post needs to be saved for a later in which I can have before and after shots. ~~waves to Jackie and Mary-Catherine and Mac and all the others who didn't believe me when I said it was bad.

Da Basement

Ummm after much thought, I've decided that this post needs to be saved for a later in which I can have before and after shots. ~~waves to Jackie and Mary-Catherine and Mac and all the others who didn't believe me when I said it was bad.


I am in the middle of a kitchen renovation and life is upside down.  There is dust where there used to be fluffs of fiber.  I’m renovating this kitchen because I will probably live  in this house for a good while longer and the kitchen is way overdue for a facelift. 
There is a place called Juniper Farm. It is near Charlottesville, Va.    Susie is the shepherd.  She raises cormo sheep and angora goats.   I spent half of last winter online, following her flock , socializing with other fans of the farm on the ravelry forums and watching the lambcam obsessively for sightings of baby goats.  I bought a share in the Spring shearing and the Fall shearing too. My spring yarn arrived a few weeks ago.  I wanted to dye it a deep blueberry or maybe eggplant and was experimenting to get just the right shade.  Now I’ll have to wait until I have a kitchen again.  
Although I’ve lived in the city for my entire life,  I’ve always imagined that one day I’d have a life in the country. I’ve dreamed about making a life on a farm with sheep and a few other fiber animals.  The other night I realized that I have had this fantasy for long time. That’s me more than thirty years ago, near Charlottesville, Va.   I wonder how close I was then to where Susie’s farm is today?  I never imagined that one day a sheep farm could be as close as a click of the mouse.  


I am in the middle of a kitchen renovation and life is upside down.  There is dust where there used to be fluffs of fiber.  I’m renovating this kitchen because I will probably live  in this house for a good while longer and the kitchen is way overdue for a facelift. 
There is a place called Juniper Farm. It is near Charlottesville, Va.    Susie is the shepherd.  She raises cormo sheep and angora goats.   I spent half of last winter online, following her flock , socializing with other fans of the farm on the ravelry forums and watching the lambcam obsessively for sightings of baby goats.  I bought a share in the Spring shearing and the Fall shearing too. My spring yarn arrived a few weeks ago.  I wanted to dye it a deep blueberry or maybe eggplant and was experimenting to get just the right shade.  Now I’ll have to wait until I have a kitchen again.  
Although I’ve lived in the city for my entire life,  I’ve always imagined that one day I’d have a life in the country. I’ve dreamed about making a life on a farm with sheep and a few other fiber animals.  The other night I realized that I have had this fantasy for long time. That’s me more than thirty years ago, near Charlottesville, Va.   I wonder how close I was then to where Susie’s farm is today?  I never imagined that one day a sheep farm could be as close as a click of the mouse.  

Ramble Rambles

So, after a short time here on the prairie, Ramble and I...along with our friends Suzy, Sierra, Mary and Erin headed east. We'd been invited to Juniper Moon Fiber Farm to celebrate the new home of our fav sheep and goats..and to participate in a photo shoot.

It was way early when we set out. Ramble was excited that rather than traveling in a mail bag, he'd actually get to sit in a seat. And very excited to meet his new best friend Sierra. She promised to take good care of him and to make sure he saw all the sights.
He behaved very well on the plane, stayed in his seatbelt, but was really glad to get off in Dallas to meet Mary and Erin. Before long, it was back up in the air on our way to DC.

We had a bit of time to explore DC and Ramble was right there as we gazed at the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Wall and the cool neighborhood we got lost in. Then it was off to pick up Lori at the airport (she came from CA)and head out to VA.

Part of that trip was a bit scary but he slept through it..or else he was hiding his eyes. :-) But finally we got to our hotel AND an IHOP...whew were we ever hungry.

The next day found us at the farm where he got to meet Susie and Erin and Paige. We helped around as much as we could, visited with the animals and just generally enjoyed being there.

On Saturday, the excitement reached a new high. The shearer was there! The photographer, the stylist and the writer were there. And loads of "aunties". So many people wanted to meet him, he was just all a twitter. He was really rather afraid of the shearer. He actually liked his wooly coat. But after she said he wasn't in the deal he relaxed and even got to sit on her lap.

He just had a lovely time but was sooo tired that he slept all the way home. And after an extended rest, he's now on his way once again. Stay tuned.

Jacob’s Visit

Jacob is my adorable two and a half year old grandson who has platinum blond hair and big blue eyes. His smile lights up a room and he has the best sense of humor. I had the pleasure of his company for a few hours yesterday while his Mom did the laundry she had lugged from Franklin. Unfortunately for them, but lucky for me, their dryer broke and with a preschooler in the house, the wash can't be put off for too long before there isn't anything clean to put on.

Iko and Katie were really excited to see him. He was standoffish, as he always is, because they both are bigger than he and they romp right over to him. But they settled down and Jacob was petting them and sitting on the floor between them. He noted that they both had tails and began asking questions about who he knew who had tails. "Does Bubby have a tail?" "No-o-o." "Does Mommy have a tail?" "No-o-o." He thought that was so funny and laughed so hard after naming each person in the family and getting the same answer, that he had the biggest hiccups!

We "read" books together which meant that he pointed at the pictures as I named the objects. He insisted on turning each page as we continued through the book. I think his favorite to listen to was "Goodnight Moon".

After two large loads were washed and dried, Jacob was asking "Car. Go home?" As excited as he is to get here, the number of toys he has to play with in my house is nothing compared to home. I got at least 4 kisses goodbye and an "Ah luh oo" which was the first time he said that. What joy!!

Jacob’s Visit

Jacob is my adorable two and a half year old grandson who has platinum blond hair and big blue eyes. His smile lights up a room and he has the best sense of humor. I had the pleasure of his company for a few hours yesterday while his Mom did the laundry she had lugged from Franklin. Unfortunately for them, but lucky for me, their dryer broke and with a preschooler in the house, the wash can't be put off for too long before there isn't anything clean to put on.

Iko and Katie were really excited to see him. He was standoffish, as he always is, because they both are bigger than he and they romp right over to him. But they settled down and Jacob was petting them and sitting on the floor between them. He noted that they both had tails and began asking questions about who he knew who had tails. "Does Bubby have a tail?" "No-o-o." "Does Mommy have a tail?" "No-o-o." He thought that was so funny and laughed so hard after naming each person in the family and getting the same answer, that he had the biggest hiccups!

We "read" books together which meant that he pointed at the pictures as I named the objects. He insisted on turning each page as we continued through the book. I think his favorite to listen to was "Goodnight Moon".

After two large loads were washed and dried, Jacob was asking "Car. Go home?" As excited as he is to get here, the number of toys he has to play with in my house is nothing compared to home. I got at least 4 kisses goodbye and an "Ah luh oo" which was the first time he said that. What joy!!

Jacob’s Visit

Jacob is my adorable two and a half year old grandson who has platinum blond hair and big blue eyes. His smile lights up a room and he has the best sense of humor. I had the pleasure of his company for a few hours yesterday while his Mom did the laundry she had lugged from Franklin. Unfortunately for them, but lucky for me, their dryer broke and with a preschooler in the house, the wash can't be put off for too long before there isn't anything clean to put on.

Iko and Katie were really excited to see him. He was standoffish, as he always is, because they both are bigger than he and they romp right over to him. But they settled down and Jacob was petting them and sitting on the floor between them. He noted that they both had tails and began asking questions about who he knew who had tails. "Does Bubby have a tail?" "No-o-o." "Does Mommy have a tail?" "No-o-o." He thought that was so funny and laughed so hard after naming each person in the family and getting the same answer, that he had the biggest hiccups!

We "read" books together which meant that he pointed at the pictures as I named the objects. He insisted on turning each page as we continued through the book. I think his favorite to listen to was "Goodnight Moon".

After two large loads were washed and dried, Jacob was asking "Car. Go home?" As excited as he is to get here, the number of toys he has to play with in my house is nothing compared to home. I got at least 4 kisses goodbye and an "Ah luh oo" which was the first time he said that. What joy!!