Monthly Archives: May 2009

An Unexpected Guest

So, I was sitting in the living room folding clean towels and cleaning rags and such. TV was on quietly, but I was not paying attention. I was sort of blissed out, daydreaming, just enjoying being at that very time. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw something dark falling just a couple of feet from me in the middle of the room. And heard a very quiet sort of 'thunk'.

And there was my visitor. A bird. Lying on my living room floor, wings outspread but not moving. I grabbed up a soft cloth and tossed it over it in case the cats or dog noticed. They slumbered on. And very gently I scooped it up and headed out to the front yard. I placed it in the bushes. It remained very still for a bit and then creeped farther under the hedge. When I checked later, it was gone.

How did it get in here? No open windows. The screen door was secure. How long had it been here and where was it sitting before it dropped to the floor? I don't know. It didn't tell me.

It was a guest, but a very quiet one. And now it's gone on to other adventures. Good bye little bird.

An Unexpected Guest

So, I was sitting in the living room folding clean towels and cleaning rags and such. TV was on quietly, but I was not paying attention. I was sort of blissed out, daydreaming, just enjoying being at that very time. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw something dark falling just a couple of feet from me in the middle of the room. And heard a very quiet sort of 'thunk'.

And there was my visitor. A bird. Lying on my living room floor, wings outspread but not moving. I grabbed up a soft cloth and tossed it over it in case the cats or dog noticed. They slumbered on. And very gently I scooped it up and headed out to the front yard. I placed it in the bushes. It remained very still for a bit and then creeped farther under the hedge. When I checked later, it was gone.

How did it get in here? No open windows. The screen door was secure. How long had it been here and where was it sitting before it dropped to the floor? I don't know. It didn't tell me.

It was a guest, but a very quiet one. And now it's gone on to other adventures. Good bye little bird.


Very early Saturday morning I, thanks to my new Rav friends Suzy, her husband Frank and adorable precocious daughter Sierra, set off to visit more Rav friends and others at Jacob's Reward Farm in Parker, TX. I got a REALLY early start. It had been decided that we'd leave Norman (which is about 60 miles from me) at 0630. That meant I'd need to leave about 0530 and get up about 0430. So full of excitement I set my alarm after returning from high school graduation ceremonies. My nephew-of-choice Tyler was one of the graduates! (Yay...but when did he grow up???)

Sleep was difficult...I kept waking up wondering if it was time yet, but finally the alarm went off. I had to prod Zo awake. Even the cats looked confused. And after they were all fed, I looked at the clock and it was 0345!! Eeek...too late for any more sleep. So, I took a soaky bath, ate my Cheerios and headed off.

So excited! Suzy met me at her door and it was like I'd known her forever! I gotta say, if you ever want to go on a fun road trip, you need to go with these folks. I laughed soooooooooo much.

Finally after negotiating some of the Dallas/Ft Worth area (I would NEVER attempt to drive this!) we arrived! Greeting us was Cindy and her husband, the owners, and also Susie, the owner of Martha's Vineyard Fiber Farm/Hudson Valley Fiber Farm, the first fiber CSA (community supported agriculture).

The weather and the setting was super!

Pleasantly warm, good shade, and beautiful people!

Susie did a dyeing demo, and later after paying close attention, Suzy appeared to be a mad scientist mixing potions :)

Not to be ignored, the animals seemed at times to be quite interested in us too.

This little Babydoll Southdown was my favorite. Probably because he liked for me to scritch his ears. I'm SURE I was his favorite scritcher and I could easily fall totally and hopelessly in love!

We ate, we spun, we knitted, we talked, we laughed, we ate some more, and laughed some more and told stories and asked questions, and laughed. Nirvana!

Then time for spinning lessons. Cindy had cleverly made CD spindles with her farm logo on the cd. Very clever indeed. And Susie had a lesson. Go Susie!

And, ohhhh there were chickens! I adore chickens. I love watching them be their busy, little selves. There were chickens all over the place. I think Cindy said she had 29. These were hanging out in the coop doing their chicken things as Sierra discovered. And yes, some eggs came home with me! Nom.nom.nom.

All too soon, it was time to head home. What a great adventure! I loved meeting people who I'd met on Ravelry and the local people that came to support Cindy and meet us. I think, if she lived closer, I could become a real pest!

Major Procrastinator

I am writing this down with the intention that if I read it enough it might motivate me to finish things which I start. I love the beginning of new projects; but I find my desire to get to the end diminishes as the time invested grows longer. For instance, I can think off the top of my head of at least 5 ufo's (unfinished objects of knitting) that have been waiting months, and in some cases, years to be completed. A sweater that I promised to my daughter more the five years ago, has part of the back done. That's it...and it doesn't even have sleeves. Another nemesis. I started a pair of light green socks back in September. If I had only one foot I'd be able to wear it. As it stands now, 80% of the second foot would be bare. What's wrong with me? I belong to seven different knitting groups and see all the gorgeous things being done, but I still lag behind. Worse still, I continue to buy yarn (I'd match my stash up with anybody's) because it's just so damn beautiful to look at, especially the hand dyed ones.

OK, I've given myself a good "talking to". All I have to do now, is read it and read it again.

Major Procrastinator

I am writing this down with the intention that if I read it enough it might motivate me to finish things which I start. I love the beginning of new projects; but I find my desire to get to the end diminishes as the time invested grows longer. For instance, I can think off the top of my head of at least 5 ufo's (unfinished objects of knitting) that have been waiting months, and in some cases, years to be completed. A sweater that I promised to my daughter more the five years ago, has part of the back done. That's it...and it doesn't even have sleeves. Another nemesis. I started a pair of light green socks back in September. If I had only one foot I'd be able to wear it. As it stands now, 80% of the second foot would be bare. What's wrong with me? I belong to seven different knitting groups and see all the gorgeous things being done, but I still lag behind. Worse still, I continue to buy yarn (I'd match my stash up with anybody's) because it's just so damn beautiful to look at, especially the hand dyed ones.

OK, I've given myself a good "talking to". All I have to do now, is read it and read it again.

Up Close and Personal

Sometimes things just happen. I try and try to get wonderful pics of my cats and the dog..and usually they all end up in the Picasa trash. But sometimes they don't.


I spent part of last evening spinning with fiber I wasn't supposed to be spinning. I purchased it at Rendevous and 5 different people told me it would be hard for me, a novice, to spin it on my spindle. So, of course I had to try it. It wasn't that I didn't believe them. I did, and they are all MUCH more experienced than I am. The thing is, everytime I'd walk through the playroom, it would taunt me from inside the keeper.

"Nah, nah, nah, can't spin me!" in a decidedly sheepy voice. And so I pulled it out and started to play. I still have no real idea what works. I divided in half and half again, did some pre-drafting and got the spindle out of the scotch box where it lives. And here is the result..

I have no idea how much there is, but wrapping it round and round a ruler tells me there is between 12-14 wpi. And, for me this is a biggy, I managed to do it with only ONE time catching the fiber that was supposed to be hanging over my arm. Yay me.

Fiber: Kate Lowder's Rambouillet/Mohair Blend. And there's still more. Heh.


I spent part of last evening spinning with fiber I wasn't supposed to be spinning. I purchased it at Rendevous and 5 different people told me it would be hard for me, a novice, to spin it on my spindle. So, of course I had to try it. It wasn't that I didn't believe them. I did, and they are all MUCH more experienced than I am. The thing is, everytime I'd walk through the playroom, it would taunt me from inside the keeper.

"Nah, nah, nah, can't spin me!" in a decidedly sheepy voice. And so I pulled it out and started to play. I still have no real idea what works. I divided in half and half again, did some pre-drafting and got the spindle out of the scotch box where it lives. And here is the result..

I have no idea how much there is, but wrapping it round and round a ruler tells me there is between 12-14 wpi. And, for me this is a biggy, I managed to do it with only ONE time catching the fiber that was supposed to be hanging over my arm. Yay me.

Fiber: Kate Lowder's Rambouillet/Mohair Blend. And there's still more. Heh.


I spent part of last evening spinning with fiber I wasn't supposed to be spinning. I purchased it at Rendevous and 5 different people told me it would be hard for me, a novice, to spin it on my spindle. So, of course I had to try it. It wasn't that I didn't believe them. I did, and they are all MUCH more experienced than I am. The thing is, everytime I'd walk through the playroom, it would taunt me from inside the keeper.

"Nah, nah, nah, can't spin me!" in a decidedly sheepy voice. And so I pulled it out and started to play. I still have no real idea what works. I divided in half and half again, did some pre-drafting and got the spindle out of the scotch box where it lives. And here is the result..

I have no idea how much there is, but wrapping it round and round a ruler tells me there is between 12-14 wpi. And, for me this is a biggy, I managed to do it with only ONE time catching the fiber that was supposed to be hanging over my arm. Yay me.

Fiber: Kate Lowder's Rambouillet/Mohair Blend. And there's still more. Heh.

What Is That Light??

Sun?? What is sun? It's been a really long time since I've seen the sun rise..or for that matter last anytime of day for longer than a few minutes. Mary thought it would be a good time to take yet another nap