Monthly Archives: January 2011

Snowy Snowy Day!

Chickens in the snow, snow in the backyard and geese heading wherever it is they head to this time of year.








Snowy Snowy Day!

Chickens in the snow, snow in the backyard and geese heading wherever it is they head to this time of year.








My First Give-Away!

You should now be able to comment! Yay!


I have a set of 12 Smart Stitch Markers and a hank of hand-spun Juniper Moon cormo wool – yummy!  The wool is a 4.4 oz skein of about 150 yards of 2 ply yarn.  I just put it’s partner and a second skein of Juniper Moon cormo up in my Etsy Shop!  It will knit up as a worsted or heavy worsted.  The stitch markers are silverplate with glass beads and can hook on your fabric or slide on your needles.  To enter:

1) Leave a comment on this blog about what you could do with 150 yards of handspun, or if you can’t think of anything, no worries, just tell me your favorite colors!

2) THEN comment here in the Friday Giveaway post at Juniper Moon Fiber Farm and let them know the best part of your week!  (while you are over there, check out the cutest puppies in the world – lots of pictures posted on the blog!)  As usual, the winner will be chosen at random.

In these photos, the colors seem too saturated, the overall effect is too bright – the actual skein is nicely muted and slightly silvery-grey.




Organic Farm CSA in Need of Help

You have probably figured out that I am a big fan of local produce and sustainable agriculture, and therefore, probably are not surprised to know I get the majority of my food from my garden, our local farmer's markets, a CSA and a CSA program called Philadelphia Winter Harvest. Last week I heard through my friend Susan Gibbs that Pete's Greens, an organic farm in Vermont suffered a massive barn fire in which there was about $250,000.00 of damage, The farm has an active CSA program including not only fresh organic vegetables, but also free-range beef and pork and pastured chicken. As most farms are, it was under insured. Though Pete's farm is not a CSA I would participate in I want to help in support of the CSA movement as a whole. Susan Gibbs at Juniper Moon Fiber farm with her wealth of readers, is hosting a massive fund-raising event to help cover part of the re-building costs. In basically a huge giveaway, many artisans large and small have donated items ranging from a set of hand-made soaps, to autographed books, hand-spun yarn even a full share in Susie’s farm. To donate, or to read more about the project head on over to her blog at Juniper Moon Fiber Farm.

I have donated a hand-knit sweater which I SWEAR will be done by the time the prizes are announced! The top is my hand-spun yarn, a correidale wool, the body is cormo/mohair blend from Juniper Moon. The chest measures about 40 inches around, and it is almost of done! Really!

UPDATED - finished the body:



Organic Farm CSA in Need of Help

You have probably figured out that I am a big fan of local produce and sustainable agriculture, and therefore, probably are not surprised to know I get the majority of my food from my garden, our local farmer's markets, a CSA and a CSA program called Philadelphia Winter Harvest. Last week I heard through my friend Susan Gibbs that Pete's Greens, an organic farm in Vermont suffered a massive barn fire in which there was about $250,000.00 of damage, The farm has an active CSA program including not only fresh organic vegetables, but also free-range beef and pork and pastured chicken. As most farms are, it was under insured. Though Pete's farm is not a CSA I would participate in I want to help in support of the CSA movement as a whole. Susan Gibbs at Juniper Moon Fiber farm with her wealth of readers, is hosting a massive fund-raising event to help cover part of the re-building costs. In basically a huge giveaway, many artisans large and small have donated items ranging from a set of hand-made soaps, to autographed books, hand-spun yarn even a full share in Susie’s farm. To donate, or to read more about the project head on over to her blog at Juniper Moon Fiber Farm.

I have donated a hand-knit sweater which I SWEAR will be done by the time the prizes are announced! The top is my hand-spun yarn, a correidale wool, the body is cormo/mohair blend from Juniper Moon. The chest measures about 40 inches around, and it is almost of done! Really!

UPDATED - finished the body:



CSA in Need

If you take a vist to the backyard, you probably figured out that I am a big fan of CSA’s.  On January 12 Pete’s Greens, an organic farm in Vermont suffered a massive barn fire.  The farm has an active CSA program including not only fresh organic vegetables, but also free-range beef and pork and pastured chicken.  As most farms are, it was under insured.  Susan Gibbs at Juniper Moon Fiber farm with her wealth of readers, is hosting a massive  fund-raising event to help cover part of the re-building costs.  In basically a huge giveaway, many artisans large and small have donated items ranging from a set of hand-made soaps, to autographed books, hand-spun yarn even a full share in Susie’s farm.  To donate, or to read more about the project head on over to her blog at Juniper Moon Fiber Farm.

I have donated a hand-knit sweater which I SWEAR will be done by the time the prizes are announced!  The top is my hand-spun yarn, a correidale wool, the body is cormo/mohair blend from Juniper Moon Fiber Farm.  The chest measures about 40 inches around, and it is almost sort of done!


So, How did the Neon Slinky Yarn Come Out?

Very well thank you!  Ernest (aka. the Nuisance) was a big help with photography tips today!

Yarn spun from the "neon slinky" roving Ernest Yarn spun from the "old rose" roving


What is better than 2 new kittens? Not much! Meet Albert and Ernest aka "parcel" (because he luuuurves to be held) and "nuisance" (because he is one!)

Ernest sleeping on my laptop

Bertie in a basket


Ernest aka "The Nuisance"




What is better than 2 new kittens? Not much! Meet Albert and Ernest aka "parcel" (because he luuuurves to be held) and "nuisance" (because he is one!)

Ernest sleeping on my laptop

Bertie in a basket


Ernest aka "The Nuisance"




What is better than 2 new kittens? Not much! Meet Albert and Ernest aka "parcel" (because he luuuurves to be held) and "nuisance" (because he is one!)

Ernest sleeping on my laptop

Bertie in a basket


Ernest aka "The Nuisance"

