Tag Archives: fences

I Love Autumn …

Lens-Artists Challenge #258 – Fences…

A Photo a Week Challenge: Gates and Fences…

Upper left gate is at the Breakers mansion in Newport, RI. Upper right are from Plimouth Plantation in Plymouth, MA. All other pictures are various fences and gates on MV, in NJ and PA.





Photo A Day Challenge: Fence…

I like fences and the only difficult thing about this post was trying to limit the number of photos, not sure how well I did on that :). Here are a variety of fences from Martha’s Vineyard – Plymouth, MA – Cape May, NJ – Milford, PA.


One of the most touching fences to me is fire hydrant fence in the Newark Firemens section of the Mt Pleasant Cemetery in Newark, NJ where my great-great grandfather is buried.








WPC… Lines (2nd response)…

I don’t know how I missed posting this picture the first time but I really like the composition so tah, dah… here it is.

Boardwalk to the beach in Cape, May New Jersey




Weekly Photo Challenge: Security…



Flowers Thru A Fence…


Pilgrim’s Laundry Day …



Weekly Challenge: Boundaries …

Boundaries impose limits on us, whether they’re social constructs or real, physical objects. They’re there to stop us from doing or saying what we actually want to. But they also give structure to our actions and frame our movements. In photography, they help our eyes make sense of what we see and convey a sense of visual narrative. They constantly invite us to push against them.


My first photo of my interpretation of boundaries is this ‘do not enter’ sign on a usually closed gate in a private lake community in NJ…


My collage is from my visit to the Thomas Edison Laboratories in West Orange, New Jersey last December…
