Tag Archives: faces

MV Obsession 2023-08-21 19:51:37

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge # 262 : Faces in a crowd…

New York City

Proposal in Times Square

Grand Central Station

Junior’s restaurant

Carnegie Hall



Photo A Day Challenge…

Aug 4 – Splash IMG_1209

Aug 5 – Sunny, bright

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Aug 6 – vivid colors




Weekly Photo Challenge: Smile…

Puppy smiles 🙂


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Weekly Photo Challenge: A Face in the Crowd…

Prompt : Create an image that represents being “a face in the crowd.”


This isn’t a face in the crowd, it is however, a crowd of faces.

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I took this picture of the Phantom of the Opera poster outside the theatre in New York City in January 2016.  It shows faces of performers through its then 28th year on Broadway.  It celebrated its 30th anniversary in January of this year and in March I’ll be seeing it for the 3rd time.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Peek…

The prompt is: This week, share a peek of something — a photo that reveals just enough of your subject to get us interested. A tantalizing detail. An unusual perspective. Compel us to click through to your post to find out more!


A peek at New York City and the Freedom Tower from Jersey City, New Jersey


My daughter peeking at me from behind a lamppost.

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Peeking out of a lighthouse window on Martha’s Vineyard.

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