Tag Archives: zig zag

Quilt: done

zig zag zig zag zig zag

You have to imagine that in Gordon Ramsey’s voice. The little gift quilt is all finished.

Moving right along


I realized with my new smaller footprint desk, I have room to pin smallish quilts on the floor again. To be honest, I like pinning with clamps and the Rubbermaid table much better. I’m planning to quilt this along the zig zag lines in the ditch.

zig zag, jig jog

zig zag quilt IMG_8711 IMG_8719 zig zag quilt zig zag quilt IMG_8733

Farmer’s Wife blocks are waiting patiently while I knock out another deadline project. This quilt is based on the tutorial given here but I’ve gone with a full assortment of colors rather than alternating with a solid which gives zig zag every row. It works up very quickly and I”ll soon be ready to pin after a bit of trimming up.