Monthly Archives: May 2011

Announcing the first summer workshop at the Farm!

Some of you readers who are not on ravelry may not have heard the rumblings about this.  We’ve been chatting over there about shamanism, and using some of the ancient practices to help guide us, and bring us more peace and healing.  I think we can all agree that everyone on the planet could benefit from that these days.

At last I can announce that the Introduction to Shamanism workshop is on at the farm. I’m so excited to be able to bring Evie and Allie to the farm for this, what a treat.  Special thanks to Dianna Branson for making the introductions and getting the conversation started. 

Here’s the skinny:

Shamanic Journey Process Weekend
This joyful workshop will introduce you to the visionary ways of the shaman! Shamanic journeying is a powerful skill used by our earliest ancestors to access wisdom beyond the range of ordinary senses. This most ancient of practices offers a way to solve today’s challenges and will have you feeling more fulfilled, self-assured and lively! You will also learn how to use this method to effectively gain guidance, insight and healing for yourself and others. This workshop is an excellent way to either begin or renew a conscious relationship with Spirit. As a part of this special weekend, we’ll be honoring the spirits of our ancestral, “fiber foremothers!”

No prerequisite is necessary. Shamanic Journey Process is an introductory workshop. The ability to journey is necessary for most of the Spirit Passages workshops.

Spirit Passages
Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the book, Modern Shamanic Living, and C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW are committed to help you increase your personal power, feel your intrinsic sacredness and expand your connections to All That Is. Their extensive experience insures you of safe shamanic healing encounters, as well as opportunities to train in shamanism with confidence. Their website is:

Here’s what to bring:
• Rattle and drum if you have them. (We’ll have some to share)
• A notebook and pen to record your journeys.
• A large bandanna or blindfold for your eyes.
• A bag lunch and water to drink for each day.
• A rock the size of a grapefruit! (or you can collect it here at the farm)
• Blanket and pillow
• A comfortable folding chair
• Personal sacred objects for our circle center
• Insect repellent (weather permitting we’ll be doing some work outdoors!)
* Other things to make yourself comfortable
• A few small personal items to be incorporated into an effigy to our fiber foremothers.

Cost is $100 per person for the 2 day workshop. We’ll need at least 10 people to sign up to make it happen, but can accomodate more than that happily.

You are welcome to camp out at the Farm if you are inclined that way. Otherwise, there is a nice B&B a few miles from the farm with very reasonable rates Nestled Inn. There are other larger chain hotels in White River Junction or Barre/Montpelier, but they are about a 30-40 minute drive away.

To register, please email me at

Exquisite News

The New York Times, scissors, glue:

Revised "front page":
Headline soup:
Image detail:
Revised "back ad of the arts section":
For Josh.